The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Yeah, I suppose thereā€™s that Irish thing about wanting to own things etc. Iā€™ve been in apartments in Spain for example that feel like houses when you are in them. Plenty of space, hallway, several bedrooms etc. You donā€™t feel like you are in a pokey apartment.
Theyā€™d create a sense of community in villages and rural towns as well.
But yeah, maybe the fact the weather is so bad here, people are inside more. Then why do we need big front and back gardens if the weather is crap !

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They were chasing tail no doubt !

The only ones in Doon whoā€™d have them probably had tails

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There would have to be a complete cultural shift which isnā€™t going to happenā€¦ People on the continent can live in those apartments because thereā€™s a lot more security also. You can get very long leases in family sized apartments. In Ireland you can be turfed ā€¦ And i donā€™t see why people would buy them to live in when they can have their own house and garden for the same money.
Their towns and cities also evolved around apartment livingā€¦ Town squares and parks and play grounds within distance for people who have to get out for air.

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Could have been worse, could have been Oolaā€¦


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Edit to add my experiences of said village are limited to stopping off for libations on the way home from thurles and Iā€™m sure itā€™s a grand village normally. Anyway back to the dubsā€¦

Jesus but youā€™re fair grumpy this morningā€¦

You soft cunts need a bit of STER


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He canā€™t be seriousā€¦.

This is the point. The cities need to be set up with infrastructure for apartment living. Where I live there is a mix of housing and apartments that were built in the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s. Typically 5-6 story blocks with the odd ten story thrown in. But in the area you have kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, swimming pools, parkland, shops, churches. And decent public transport (buses and trams) within walking distance to any part of the city.

Now the younger generation are moving out of town and building stand alone houses or going into developments outside town with no facilties. Their kids will be prisoners there in a few years.


I used to walk home from Bulgaden Castle by the railway track. It was safer and shorter.

A lot of people like to have a bit of a garden.
We donā€™t do allotments in Ireland.
The town and city planners need to have a rethink about that.

How do you mean not legitimate?

You just take that back :rage::rage::rage:

The most utterly farcical thing they ever dreamed up was the road frontage bit. It should be the other way around. You shouldnā€™t be allowed road frontage.
Ribbon development is GUBU.

I know youā€™re on a ballhop, but there arenā€™t even any pavements. Itā€™s mental. Itā€™s what happens when you do t invest in infrastructure. There should be walking paths off the roads radiating 5 miles out of every city (and Kilkenny town).

I think it will have to change in the cities. The problem is I wouldnā€™t trust the govt or developers to do it right. Theyā€™d fuck it up.


Spot on on both fronts there.