The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

The Swedish governments started building allotments everywhere in the cities in the 60ā€™s I think it was. A massive influx of rural occupiers to the cities were needed to work in the urban factories. They noticed a massive downturn in their mental health, so built them allotments so they could footer about growing a few parsnips. it worked. Now, thereā€™s over a 20yr waiting list for those in the middle of the city. Hugely popular with the youngsters.


Donā€™t sleep on the role the Irish language lobby plays in some parts of the island. Incentivising these McMansions so they can house children from urban areas to go there during their summers to learn a language that the lobby donā€™t want to teach properly.


Agreed. NƬl aon tinteĆ in mar do thinteĆ in ollmhĆ²r maoinithe fĆØin.


Thereā€™s huge apartment development going on in Dublin of all heights.

We have a few more years of building studios and one beds to go as we have a chronic shortage of those and loads of 3 and 4 bed houses.

Ah here, see a car, step into the ditch. Are we fucking reduced to this???

Which was grand back in the day. The backroads in Galway are mental these days.

I still donā€™t buy that a fella canā€™t get a taxi either in the day of Ubers hackneys and ranks.

Iā€™m more thinking of actually improving the quality of life for people by giving them the option of walking 3 or 4 miles safely to work or town.

Ah stop. Would there be many walking out from Dublin city centre to 5 miles outside the current footpath limits


Dunno, but Iā€™m not talking about Dublin, and plenty might want to walk, or would walk to the pub or shop if there was anything for them to walk on.
Dublin is fine for pavements. Pavements radiate 5 miles from the city centre in all directions.

There are no Taxiā€™s in Rural Ireland.


Well, thatā€™s the great thing about allotments, they can be passed on as people grow older or change interests. Thereā€™s some fine back gardens in my estate but with an ageing population most of the front gardens are paved and the back gardens lying waste and wild.

Of course good land is needed and thatā€™s the problem.


Fair play, not exactly was on the agenda here but youā€™re dead right

More lies

That was ok with less traffic on the road 30 years ago

At 3 o clock in the morning???

I canā€™t understand why people with young kids choose to live in massive flip off mansions in the middle of nowhere when they could live in a nice estate where their children would have friends and walk to school, sports, socialising as they get older. Genuinely makes no sense to me but I know Iā€™m a bit of an outlier on that one.


Like others I genuinely have no idea why anybody needs to build a 5 or 6 bedroom monstrosity or have bast areas of the house that will never be used
Itā€™s mental carry on, where did we get it from?

Resale value

The answer to that is simple. I grew up in a town. Donā€™t want them having the freedom to get up to the stuff I did. There are drawbacks for them so I imagine theyā€™ll do the opposite with their kids.