The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

So you think that by spending more and making the house much bigger than you need you can make a larger profit on the resale by selling it to somebody who still doesn’t need half the rooms and the cycle goes on.
More madness if you ask me

95% of self builds are 3 or 4 bedroom max.


I grew up in middle of nowhere. I still found plenty of ways to get into trouble. If you want to get up to something as a youngster, you will.

By the way, I’ve absolutely nothing against country living. Parts of it are incredible. I’ve nothing against one-off housing either.

OK, a lot of the houses I see popping up in the countryside now look huge, I was only guessing that they’d have 5 bedrooms or more. The ones that I’ve been in have an awful lot of unused spaces, people tend to live in one room and sleep in one room.
Even in our house there’s six of us and two rooms are very rarely used, the front room and the very well known ‘Junk room’

The area I grew up in was sparsely populated until the past quarter a century where lots of new houses sprung up. I’d say most are 4(min) to 5 beds, with a few bigger ones thrown in.

Most of these won’t be sold until at least 30+ years after they were built, by which stage they’ll have required a decent bit of investment to be ready for someone else to rock up to.

They are in their Viennese roll. When was the last time someone built a one off 3 bed house? 1983 I’d say

We’ve 4 bedrooms in a semi detached and we could do with more. Its not really great when we have guests with family, usually rolling out the camp beds

You’ll have the looney left on here calling 5 and 6 bed houses far right as they’re a symbol of what many poor immigrants will never have … Basically 5 + bed houses represent apartheid and by building them we are aligning with Putin and Israel.

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Bigger houses to store more stuff !

Fascinating to watch the rural snobs getting tetchy at being called out for living in their unsustainable ivory towers, while passing judgement on everyone else.


One off housing are bad for the environment and a burden on taxpayers

It’s time to go back to your rural roots pal and admit your forefathers made a nawful mistake

You are betraying your agricultural ancestors and the land they have bequeathed you with these glass monstrosity vanity projects.


Bannon didn’t build my house pal. I’m air to water and panels, I’m contributing to the grid.

My one off build is carbon neutral mate


Yours is but do you seriously think @Mac and @padjo have similar

@padjo wouldn’t even put up a domestic species of hedge to aid biodiversity

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We’ve a a couple of small crab apple trees and an oak tree outside our place. The oak tree is 150 feet. A few people advised me to cut it down. I told them to fuck off.

Those trees literally ate carbon dioxide.


I’d say you go mental when Mrs Barnes runs the dryer during Fair City and the TV starts vibrating.

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