The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I’d prefer to stick my head in the dryer than watch Fair City.


I’m about to plant 200m of native hedging mate


Someone pick @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy up off the floor

And when he’s picked up tell him I didn’t do a one off build, and then pick him up again

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Excellent choice. Cc @Rocko

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The true dubs preferred Upwardly Mobile

Little Britain today…

Nest of vipers

Sherry and Hennessy are a bad mix at any time but especially at Christmas.



Can cause severe pain in the head alright
Fuck it could kill ya!

What native Irish hedge are you planting?

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@TheUlteriorMotive @tallback @Mac

Have the blueshirts any solutions to this?

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They’re the party of law and order I’ll have you know

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Well you’re the card carrying blueshirt so you should be telling us?

Im a marxist agitator mate

You’re a fucking pain in the hole is what you are


Why so salty mate

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What’s that in simpler words?