The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I’d close the casinos pal. They are a scourge.


He has a sub to the blueshirt newspaper and is a paid up member of the blueshirt brigade

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I don’t think the casino was the problem.
It was the lad with the machete…

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She runs a casino and is surprised neerdowells congregate around it.

Music Video Hello GIF by Taylor Swift

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is the most honest eco-republican Marxist I know.

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They’ve decided Dublin Northside City center is beyond help and have started to just shut it down instead.

‘Unsafe’ laneway in Dublin City closed due to anti-social behaviour (

Nothing will change with a laneway like that unless the businesses around it put a focus on it.

That said, the council had promised to activate laneways. This is yet another project by DCC that has gone nowhere.

FFG have given up… Let SF deal with it is their new mantra

If they were injecting and riding each other in there wasn’t the rest of the area safe? Take the win and move on lads.

Funnily enough I walked by that lane last week and there was a guard standing sentry and I thought to myself ‘they’re looking to clean up the place’. Coupled with a ramble in the sunshine around Abbey st, Liffey st and O’Connell st with Clerys unit set to reopen, I thought there’s life in the old girl just yet.


You have a Curtisesque love and joie de vivre towards Dublin city. It’s admirable


Dublin can be heaven
With coffee at eleven ….

I hear there’s been trouble again tonight.

Just make it official and declare it a Bunny Colvin Free Zone altogether.

Honest question, what does activating laneways even mean?

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Using them for other means like commercial activity

Legal commercial activity.

What type of commerical activity?

Tim is the ideas guy - everything is possible in theory

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