The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Might be better but drink is piss in the UK.


Is that where they’re gone. Didn’t know that.

I always walk the back streets from Heuston to Stephens Green area when I’m there for work. It’s a lovely walk.

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Francis Street is a lovely street. Thomas Street has also improved in appearance massively.

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All the one after a few pints. it’s piss everywhere

It was way up. Its back to normal levels now which is nearly non existant. The former community guard in my area who was useless but would at least walk the area now and then has told me they are being redeployed up around grafton street of late. Saying that its not particularly unsafe. Its just not pleasant when you have addicts shitting on the street in full public view at 11 in the morning outside dunnes on georges street of a wednesday morning. Dunno is it the crack or what but the level of vomit and shit on the streets has gone through the roof.

Lot of money gone into that part of Dublin.

Yeah massive building work going on (nearly all hotels) but plenty of scobies still hanging around and dealing - not sure if the methadone centre still operates on Pearse st beside O’Neill’s

It does, when I occasionally head to the office I walk from pearse to trinity for the luas and this is the quickest way. There are usually 25 or more of them queued up down the side street outside the clinic

Yeah a massive transfer last Autumn.

Dont know how it came about.

You get a serious class of person out socialising in the Camden Quarter on a Sunday evening between Devitts and Cassidys.


By a country mile the best city in the world to go for a day or night drinking pints


It sure is.And if you get to be in the company of a good auld salt of the earth Dub,you’re on a winner.

Fuck that

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Trinity’s new entrance for their Business school on Pearse Street is nice but I was a bit disappointed with the other one near Tara. It’s just for students really.

College Square is flying along.

Shaw Street is getting nicer, Second Captains have their studio there that faces the street.

Lucky fella

Something going down in Kilmainham

A great crowd has gathered…


Kilmayhem ?