The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I think the same but a lot of that could be the media and online narrative. Was bananas drunk in there a few weeks ago and came to no harm. Stats on crime should be easy enough available surely unless Rawls is duking them

Was in Dublin yesterday and witnessed an astonishing attack by 2 young gougers on a foreign national. Absolutely thuggery. The man that was attacked lay prostrate on the ground and was stomped on in the head by one of the thugs. Ive never seen anything like it, nor would I want to.

Where was this?

Inner city, dont want to go into too much more detail, but it was horrific to witness. Ive never seen depravity like it, TBH. Pure thuggery.

The victim appeared to be around 60 years of age and was trying to reclaim a bike that the gougers had stolen from him. Ive never seen thuggery like this before, two right Irish scumbags

What you have is a widespread gentrification of the city, but also an increasing divide, so that the bad stuff that happens tends to be more extreme and also more amplified because of technology.

Dublin was in so many respects a God awful kip in the 1980s. Awful stuff happened. Joyriding was a massive problem. You’d scarcely be behind a lorry which didn’t have lads scutting on the back of it. Dublin was rough. The streetscape itself was like the teeth of a heroin addict with gaps everywhere. At the same time there was probably a general honest earthiness that’s maybe not there now. The divide within the city probably wasn’t as big.

What we have now is three generations of drug abuse with the problems of two generations ago piled upon the problems of the last generation piled on the problems of this one.

And we have the worst, most hateful opinions being spread like wildfire through technology, influencing the young into criminal acts or hate fuelled criminal acts. And the drugs are worse now.


Them two could be looking at a serious suspended sentence for that if it’s as bad as you say


Cant see how stomping on the head of a defenceless elderly person doesnt warrant a serious long sentence. TBH, my first reaction was the gouger has killed that poor man.

The question, where is the anger coming from, what is the root of it, why is the anger there to such an extent.

Anger? Some people just need a signal that some other people are fair game.

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Dublin is fucked

Judging from the level of violence I witnessed and the fact that they carried this out in broad daylight, Id be amazed if this was their first rodeo. Ive heard anecdotally that young fellas on crack/cocaine have a higher propensity for extreme violence. Probably the usual contributory factors, children of druggies, lack of education etc etc

Deep seated anger is always at the root of vicious assaults. Anger at yourself, anger at others, anger at anything, anger at nothing. Some people are taught to be angry from the moment they come into the world.

Anger is useless and can only cause harm unless it’s accompanied by the person understanding their anger, why they have it, whether it is legitimate or not. Few people ever examine that. Legitimate anger that is there for good reasons will usually be or at least can be channelled in some sort of productive way. Irrational anger won’t be.


Substances heighten deep seated emotions. They remove inhibitions. If anger is there, the inhibition towards anger and the propensity for violence is removed.

Perhaps but of little value to a fella getting his head stamped on the street

Yes but it might be of value to people who might otherwise have their head stamped on in the future.

It’s just a thought.

In the meantime, the Gardai need to come down hard, on fascists, on criminal acts. They won’t. They’re in over their heads. Everybody is in over their heads. Drugs and mass informational technology are a bad fucking mix and nobody knows what to do about it really.

Was speaking to a Garda recently who told me alot of Jap import cars are being stolen in Ireland, because the cars dont have immobilisers. He was saying there are serious repercussions for car theft in Japan, thus its not a big issue over there. I can only imagine the lengthy custodial sentence they d give to young lads kicking defenceless old men in the head in Japan.

This country has serious violent crime issues and I dont think things are getting better, particularly in the inner city of Dublin


Hard to say. I went up there in 1995 and spent a sizable portion of my adult life living there.
Was in college in Mountjoy Square, so our playground, so to speak was the Parnell St / O Connell St area. Got into the usual scrapes and hassles late at night, mugged once on Gardiner St by a junkie with a syringe, but that aside nothing you wouldn’t see in any country town back then.

I do however think the atmosphere around this area is certainly changed drastically since then. The proliferation of open drug dealing and the accompanying customers, has brought a significant air of menace to the area. But I don’t think its more dangerous per say, these lads and lassies, whilst being loud and annoying are in the main harmless.
My biggest gripe is the complete lack of a Garda presence. This is absolutely shameful and I’m quite sure contributes to the general sense of unease people might have about frequenting the city centre at night.
Surely, if the political will was there, this is an easy fix.


Its illegal to park on road in japan


I see fascism is the cause of all violent assaults now.

