The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Didnt go into the city centre at the weekend but was in drumcondra/glasnevin. Dublin can be a great city but needs a lot sorted. Id love not to be able to have a pop off the city.

In all i think urban centres have seriously gone down hill since covid mainly highlighted in dublin but limerick and cork have gone down the same road with similar issues


100% the main problem and all down to funding. When the Europa Final on this year you couldnā€™t walk 50 yards without seeing 2 or 3 guards in groups. Zero trouble, every person felt safe. A normal wkd, you wonā€™t see a guard for the night because we are fitting the bill.


Itā€™s a good job we have all you guys taking the time to check in on us. Thanks fellas.


Was just an observation on my part mate.
I lived in Dublin for the better part of 30 years, love the place and get back up as often as I can.
What I surmised above however, is not a new phenomenon, the complete lack of a Garda presence has been an issue for well over a decade.

But I see thereā€™s this new political party named Fianna Fail who are going to address the issue if theyā€™re ever lucky enough to get into power!


My brother is back for a holiday from Australia next week, heā€™s mad to stay a night in Dublin, Iā€™m trying to tell him wouldnā€™t he be better off go to Kerry or Galway and not get the shit kicked out of him?

You tell him Karen.


Dingle or Dublin

Dingle be grand until you wake up the next morning with a bastard of a journey home.


Heā€™ll get a few slaps in Kerry if he wants it

head off to Tralee for the weekend

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Stay in and have a few cans.

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Heā€™s coming from Australia probably two hour drive to a shop

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I think youā€™ve watched too much flying doctors mate. 95% of them live by the sea.


Sure where else would they land their seaplanes?

24/7 court. :joy:

They canā€™t get the judges to sit down for a full day as it is.



Doling out a fellas 247th conviction at 3am is really gonna soften his cough for him alright


Fellas will be back on the streets to bate another victim the same night


Itā€™s becoming increasingly edgy around town last while. I had some bidniz yesterday afternoon and walked around Dublin 2 and didnā€™t encounter one Garda but did encounter two groups of young lads walking with wine bottles who were shouting at passers by in an attempt to provoke a response or to intimidate. A scrote with a glass wine bottle could do some damage.