The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

We have no idea of the impact of social media and camera phone usage. Weā€™re the unwilling guinea pigs. Future generations will laugh.

Hereā€™s another one from today

So you canā€™t then?

Agreed. No need for it, go out and get plastered. No need for some cunt to send it on the next morning when you are at deaths door and the fear is already kicking in.

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Full moon @iron_mike

Lots of aggression around the place today

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Canā€™t what you dullard? You need me to elaborate on that?

Something totally innocent (at least not illegal) can be taken completely out of context with a snap or short video. You could get in right bother

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A miraculous recovery there for a long term disability claimant who literally threw his crutch away


That tramp who repeatedly stomped on the guys head in the Luas should be electrocuted.



Why is it specifically a Dublin thing? Iā€™d argue that thereā€™s equivalent things happening in every town in Ireland, you just donā€™t have the same amount of people who see it.

Throw up three videos there from today from around the country of serious anti social behaviour in tourist areas

Maroonandwhite would rather blame the institution of the family for social unrest. I mean people living in an over crowded, under funded, urban areas with a lack of transport and amenities, should really do a better job raising their kids around drug dealers and criminals that get let out because the jails are full.

Itā€™s the families fault though because the government have addressed all the above in a timely and fiscally prudent manner

Presume this is directed at me. So you think there is a lack of transport options and amenities in Dublin compared to rural Irelandā€¦seriously?

Iā€™m complaining about the drug dealers, the criminals. And those who failed to raise them.

Let look at a hot issue in Dublin now, scramblers. 11 year olds tearing around knocking people down. Who buys them the bikes, who turns a blind eye when the bikes are stored in houses? How is the government at fault here?


Youā€™ll read about them in the court reports in the Tuam Herald, the Limerick Leader and the Mullingar Voice in about 4-6 months.

Compared to rural Ireland? Thatā€™s youā€™re barometer? One bus one pub town. No wonder you think Dublin is great you fucking Muldoon.

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Ok, throw up todayā€™s reports from incidents 6 months ago

So what are you comparing it to when you say there no amenities and transport options in Dublin? Your argument remember


Must be why he chooses to live in west Dublin.

London, New York, Berlin, San Francisco take your pick.

Is this for realā€¦

What a braindead comparison. Huge international cities that have no relevance in population, tax base, etc to Ireland.

What amenities and transport options does Dublin desperately need?