The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I didnā€™t realise you considered the attack on the Luas, and other Dublin incidents as hi jinks now? Sure if it is only hi jinks then thereā€™s obviously no problem to worry about?

Stop deflecting

Fighting is legal in Canada, apparently

You started by saying there was a problem with how children were being raised in Dublin, but now youā€™re calling it hi jinks. The deflection is on your side my good friend.

No idea what the stamping video was about. Very serious but did the Dublin fan have a knife on him or what was the story. Problem with these clips is who knows.

The other two are perfect examples of a decayed society. Yes you are right itā€™s not exclusively a Dublin thing just more prevalent there. But would you see it in France, Spain, Denmark etc?

Now tell us, how many women have you abducted

Thatā€™s because Muldoon travellers are arranging fights in our fair city. Can you use your influence in Galway to stop them from coming here?

If you canā€™t debate shut up Fanta pants. You strike me as someone who would prioritise the video clip over intervening.

So your original point was bullshit? Why didnā€™t you just say that? France, Spain and Denmark have all had hundreds of people killed in terrorist incidents in recent memory so Iā€™d suggest either pick better examples or step away from the keyboard

You canā€™t debate fuck all yourself. You have Muldoon travellers arranging fights in Dublin and you are blaming us for it. Thatā€™s extremely dim.



What does terrorism have to do with skangers you mad cunt. You are flailing badly now. I saw videos of scum fighting badly in a street, middle of the day, and bemoaned it. You cited an example of a woman being abducted for 24 hours as an example of the same down the country you weird bastard

It all about decayed society as you called it. You started this by referencing a problem in how kids are being raised in Dublin as being the root of all issues. Youā€™ve now hopped away from it like a cat on a hot tin roof in serious deflection mode after realising what you said made no sense whatsoever

I never said it was the root of all issues. And it has no correlation with terrorism which is ideologically driven, that was a bizarre comparison.

Fao of @Big_Dan_Campbell @Raylan et Al.
Need a recommendation for a pub in ennis for some middle aged ingerlish wealthy construction types on a golf trip.
Said Iā€™d ask.
Like pints.
Not sure about personal.
Theyā€™ve booked into some hotel that has a nite klub, which might give you the general tone.

Sounds like theyā€™re staying in The Queenā€™s, must be easy enough going so. Ciaranā€™s around the corner is the big gah pub. Cruises is beside the hotel (touristy spot I think), YOLO across the road is for the younger crowd. Norah Culligans and Knoxā€™s further up Abbey St all within walking distance. Plenty decent pubs in fairness. Ye are hardly in town for the fleadh this weekend?

Not me mate, but lads I was talking to. Thanks.

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Art galleries

All on merrion sq

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If this happened at a GAA or League of Ireland game the fucking Indo would be creaming themselves. 3 pretty violent incidents in one day, 2 within a couple of hundred yards of each other.

Long term welfare recipients should not be allowed reproduce.

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It was a gga fan on the ground

Whatā€™s GGA mate?