The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Brogans, The Diamond, Moroneys, O’Keeffe’s, the Copper Jug, all decent

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What has that to do with the GAA?

The tourists love this kind of thing. They come from around the world In the hope of seeing “the Fighting Irish” have a good old “Irish Donnybrook “.

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the diamond bar for afternoon porter

What a kip

It could’ve been me. I walked past the scene at 6.30 yesterday.

Stay safe pal.

Fucking hell, they need to teach the gardaí some Brazilian jiu jitsu or something, two of them struggling to down one lad like that is embarrassing


A good rap of the baton on the shin would have dropped him … two fucking ejits going high on him - take him from the legs — a good bouncer has any sized fella immobilized in seconds, arm behind the back, legs knocked out …

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The skinny guard totally wasting he’s time.

Youd be the first lad on complaining about police brutality…

Them camera phones really hinder the guards work

I’ve no problem with the gardai smashing people that deserve it. Unlike you, I dont think people peacefully protesting fall under this category.

an old classic

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A gga ultra trying to stab someone is nothing to do with the gga

What are you shiting about? Stonecold was talking about the GAA - i’ve no idea what you’re blabbering on about

I’ve never heard of this GGA in my life, bud

A man dead from a knife attack:pleading_face:. This is a result of a Godless society. R.I.P.

It is more the result of a lawless society were some folks think they can do anything and get away with it as long as they have some sort of sob story and they do. Just look at the woman during the week with nearly 500 convictions and she still walks out of court. With the lack of garda numbers, no garda on the streets and the lack of punishment for commiting offences what does one expect. As the saying goes “give someone an inch and they take a mile” that’s all the scumbag needs. Once there are no consequences then you are going to get every scumbag thinking they are above the law and can do what they want, when they want and where they want.