The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Could be just regular Dubs. Bad form from the guard bringing travelers into it


Isnt that what he said?

Sorry to hear that buddy.


I’m sorry to hear it too. In manc, if I left a bag in the car, I’d expect it to be stolen.

I got lucky the other week, left the car unlocked. Whoever had a look made sure to leave the glove box lid open to let it be known they’d had a look.

Can travellers be from somewhere? Surely they wouldn’t be travellers then. I was going to make this point to the guard but I thought better of it. His head might have exploded trying to figure it out.

did they close the door again after them?

Yeah. Our own fault really. We have been coming to Hook Head for years and have never seen a police car never mind a crime. But apparently it’s a common occurrence. The young lad is heartbroken over the Nintendo. I’d say he would be far less upset if one of his sisters was stolen


They did.

Sorry for your trouble Binky. Many years ago there were cars broken into outside our local church in Co. Monaghan during Sunday mass and any visible bags were stolen. You just can’t leave anything visible.
The Guards said it was travellers prowling the roads opportunistically. You have to remember the guards investigate this stuff all the time and it’s most repeat offenders turning the same tricks over and over at the same locations.

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junkies would be more likley to break a window and rob a handbag than a traveller

Yeah but this was in the middle of the Monaghan countryside, no junkies around.

Roasters need to get rid of their LX model cars and get ones with tinted windows

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At least the handbag and Nintendo stay in family possession. Every cloud and all that.

I was genuinely shocked when a pal of mine died tragically back when we were twenty or so, and his family had to ask another pal to mind the house during the funeral.
My cousin split up with her boyfriend (who remains one of my best pals) when he had his laptop stolen from his car where he’d left it overnight. He was appalled. She told him he deserved it, and what did he expect and it was entirely his own fault. I could see both sides, but they had such a huge row that it festered and they split. He told me about it later, and said he’d been living in Munich prior to that, where he would often leave his mountain bike on top of his car for the weekend and it was never touched.

sorry to hear that binky. Apparently yes it is a huge recurring thing in Booley bay and beside it on Dollar Bay. I cant say I’ve heard it happen on any of the other beaches around, Carnivan, Grange, Baginbun etc. Might be the proximity to the main road and that cars are so far from the beach, whereas the others are on smaller roads and not as easy to get away. Its a scourge that has been happening for years. If we ever go that direction I’d empty the car and leave windows open a fraction. If they are going to rob, they’ll smash it up, at least if it looks like nothing is going to be robbed, less likely to smash it.

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These things happen @Gman . It’s a minor inconvenience in the greater scheme of things. We’ve had a dozen great holidays here and a stolen handbag won’t affect this one


good to hear. Just an FYI to ye too, Templars owner is selling up in a month so the current tenants are leaving so might be the last chance to get there in its current format. Who knows what will happen once it is sold. They’ve done a good job on it since taking it on.

Yeah. I heard that. We will definitely get there at some stage. It’ll be a huge loss to the area if it closes. Sad to see The Strand in Duncannon closed. You would think a pub in that location would be able to stay afloat.

We are heading to Aldridge lodge on Thursday. Haven’t been since the Celtic Tiger years!

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Aldridge is still as good as ever and very good value for what you get.

There is planning going in for a big hotel and spa development in the village, so you’re small holiday break could be a big spa retreat in a year or 2 if it gets through!