The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I would be squarely on your mates side there. When something like this happens the last thing you need is cunts lecturing you and telling you ā€œitā€™s your own faultā€. The guards have been at it twice already. Itā€™s not our fault. Itā€™s the cunt who smashed the window and stole the bag is at fault.


Happened the sister and auld lad a few times. A well known nomadic family on both occasions. One robbed wheels off auld lads car. Gardai showed up all business with white suits and finger print paraphenalia and did nothing, told the auld lad ā€œyou know who has your tyres donā€™t you? ___ in ___ā€. Said they wouldnā€™t bother taking fingerprints as the rain probably washed them away. Auld lad said if you know who has them why the fuck are you taking fingerprints then?
Sister had her handbag and contents robbed on way to crescent once. Gardai said they knew who did it, but to leave it, as sheā€™d only be drawing attention and hassle to herself.

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Great fucking country when the cunts who are paid to uphold the law couldnā€™t be bothered doing their job.

outside from a bit of better PR from the cops, what do lads actually want here?

they took a statement, the nintendo DS and handbag are goneā€¦ long fucking gone.

Same with all these small crimes, itā€™s impossible to prove unless you catch the cunts actually doing it or have surveillance.

Do you want them to pump massive resources into investigations to find handbags and personal belongings?


:smile: They do yeah. Sergeant Murphy has just approved a load of overtime now and Garda Spudmuncher is working this Nintendo case like it owes him money.


I donā€™t think itā€™s reasonable to expect the Guards to find the stolen goods or apprehend the culprits. I have 2 major issues with their handling of the situation.

  1. A Guard telling us casually it was Travellers that did it is no help to anyone. It only feeds anti-traveller sentiment in a country where there is plenty to go around already.
  2. The ā€œlectureā€ my wife got this morning on the phone from the Victim Liaison officer. After 5 minutes of a dressing down about being our own fault he finished with this gem. ā€œMy name is Brendan Mooreā€, Remember it he says. ā€œB.Moore as in B Moore carefulā€. My wife is a gentle soul and didnā€™t say anything back to him. I would genuinely have asked him is there any possible way he could B Moore of a cunt.

Well, no, Iā€™d like Gardai to do their job properly. So fuck it, if youā€™re handbag wallet and phone is stolen, leave it off?
To make it better, my auld lad got a letter through the post a few months later asking if he needed counselling because of his ordealā€¦

Was chatting to a Garda last week and he told me they escorted a lad down to Portlaoise jail only to re-arrest the fucker later on in the day back in his home town for drunk and disorderly. As a guard you can understand why they canā€™t be arsed.

so they investigated it and followed up on him to make sure his well being was ok?

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COTY right there


They had a wan on the radio yesterday trying to discourage vigilantes from catching paedos. She explained the law was different to the UK in that if you were an adult pretending to be a kid the paedo couldnā€™t be convicted in Ireland whereas they could be in the UK. The obvious question was asked, why not change the law". Her answer was incredible, she said changing the law would only encourage the vigilantes. I donā€™t know who she was speaking on behalf of. Was on Drivetime yesterday evening.

Do you think itā€™s just a coincidence that drug lords, some travellers and criminals in general all have a strong foothold on society since the IRA disbanded?

Has a part to play but not just down to that.

I was just staggered that the objective was to stop vigilantes and not paedos. Iā€™m presuming she was a spokesperson for the Gardai but I missed the start so not 100% certain.

When I was in Dublin I had my car broken into. They only really got away with a trendy jacket in the back seat and an old sat nav in the glove box. The cops came and took my statement and took the fingerprints off the car.

A few months later I got a call telling me they had retrieved a sat nav matching my description. In the meantime I had discovered the sat nav hadnā€™t actually been taken in the first place. It was in a box from when I had moved house before.

I was surprised to actually see the Gardai being diligent in that regard.


So now you have two Sat Navs. Winner Winner!

Wasting valuable Garda resources. I hope you dropped a bag of emeralds up to the station as a thank you to the lads.

Ira lads at a loose end?

The ira are the drug lords.

Thatā€™s tremendous.

Pretty sure thatā€™s Eoin Mooreā€™s auld lad. Eoin finished up hurling with the Wexford seniors last season and was a Wexford minor hurling selector this season.


Why did you report it so? either for a whinge or an insurance scam i take it. That handbag is getting heavier every day since