The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

That was in the plot of inglorious bastards pal

Who knew a nose jibe would drag king hooter out :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:ā€¦ And yes, it Didā€¦ allegedly.

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Did you eat the nose or spit it out?

Why do these lads always have Limerick accents, no matter where the cunts are.


It was kicked out of my mouth by about ten of the chaps mates trying to boot me off him.

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Ten of them?! Wow. Thatā€™s almost unbelievable


He was ringing the Gardai when a few 15 year olds were shouting loudly up the road from his flat a few weeks back. He wouldnā€™t bate snow off a rope


Almostā€¦but itā€™s me weā€™re talking about.

Crusty chicks from the Art College wear big boots as well, you were lucky to get out of there with your life.

The Mary I/Art & Design crew that frequented Flanā€™s were serious headhunters


Another gee bag rattledā€¦ :rofl:

The amount of insecurity on display when a man shows up is unreal. The lesser stags rattled to their core by the scent of a dominant Stagā€¦ As nature intended.

A stag?! Youā€™re like fucking Bambi here slipping and sliding around the place

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Iā€™m actually mortified for the lot of yee. In the face of emasculation youā€™ve banded together like a bunch of pure fannies tapping on the like button like itā€™s a security blanket :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Iā€™m worse engaging with a bunch of queens.

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Galway looked much more fun tbh.

You were off your head on yokes and were trying to lob into some fat goth more like

You wouldnā€™t carve the fucking banana bread you made under your bed last year


Iā€™ll fight any man


This burst of imagined machismo from @Thomas_Brady doesnā€™t appear to have impressed the forum hardchaws. Swing and a miss itā€™s called.