The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Laving on like he is wan of the Colloppys and he more like Celia holman Lee


Not a notion have they

Arraā€¦ The thing to take from this is you have a load of lads that apparently remember all kinds of stuff about me. Stuff I canā€™t even rememberā€¦ I honestly couldnā€™t tell you one thing any of them have posted in the last yearā€¦ But then again, the more dominant Stag doesnā€™t concern himself with the lesser stags.

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Why so aggresive? I was raised to believe your people were men of peace and tranquillo

Thinly veiled, I spend my time on TFK posting stuff thatā€™s just made up

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Iā€™ll stab you and pass on your grave you cunt

Youā€™re watching Romeo and Juliet too much.

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Iā€™ve been drinking here

Drink piss, talk shite.

Iā€™ll stab you and piss on your grave you cunt.

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ā€œThe Government are to blameā€

Up the duff again out of wedlock

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This is what happens when you close the shops and the pubs and decide that the public are the enemy.

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Youā€™ve regressed terribly as a poster. All that post is missing is an @ and a telephone number on your INTERNET pseudonym.

Dublin is out of control

At least itā€™s a short walk to the flats on Mercer Street from South William Street

Fuck the pigs Sidney. If I was there I could have that situation under control but the cops have shut down my drinking spots.

The child army will liberate us.

Disgraceful scenes from Galway and Dublin this evening. Time to send in the army and restore Law and Order