The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

What’s going on is the pigs come along at 7 o’clock and sweep the streets of nice normal people like me. 14 and 15 year old don’t want to be hanging around the likes of me because I’d put some manners on them so after 7 or 8 o’clock only people left are 14 or 15 year olds. So ultimately this is the fault of the pigs. Inwould be out there tonight calming the situation but the pigs sent me home. And calling in your riot squads will just make it worse again. Fuck the pigs.

There is no good reason to be in Dublin or Galway tonight.

Nothing good will come of it.

What if you fucking live in it you cunt.

The government decided the public were the enemy and this is where it ends.

You cannot blame the government for the thuggish behaviour which has been well documented this weekend.

Law and Order

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If the government allowed normal people out past 7 or 8pm then this wouldn’t happen, its 100% the government’s fault.

You people don’t live in Dublin, you haven’t a notion what you’re talking about.

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If you had to guess where on the internet somebody would propose that a million and a half people should flee their cities for the night, you’d have guessed this forum.

Would have been pretty cool to see a load people sleeping in parked cars on the side of the road in Julianstown or Kilcock or Shrule all the same. Would have made a lovely Slane vibe.

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Surely people like yourself who just want to get out of the house on a nice summer evening and stab people in peace must be getting a bit annoyed at anti-social behaviour preventing a situation where that would be allowed?

The Gardai deploying Stasi type tactics against the very people who have been marginalised by right wing governments over the years must be confusing.


there’s a lot to unpack in that sentence :grinning:


My strong impression is that many or most of the people who are blaming the government and the council and the Guards for anti-social behaviour over the last couple of weeks are the same people who most complain about “welfare” and the so called “nanny state”.

The “personal responsibility” merchants have suddenly gone into the “blame everybody else” business.

It doesn’t make much sense.

If I was put there with my knife those kids wouldn’t dare jump on a taxi.

I’m serious, that was outside the international bar, normally a good place for drinking for me. I’ve been kicked out of Portabello (now shut down) and South William Street. I was in the band stand Stephen’s Green the week before it got shut down. My mate was there yesterday watching the barriers outside the bandstand getting shut down. I am a very polite drinker by the canal. The cops move us on from the can at 7pm every weekend. My noble mates have gotten fines for giving the cops lip at that stage but to my shame I haven’t been fined yet. I need to start giving lip. My mates are all respectable professionals.

Then because we’re gone the scumbags who just don’t give a shit about the cops move in and the city is theirs after 9pm. Its all the cops fault. The harder they police the situation the worse it gets. We’ve learned a lot about what really creates law and order the past few weeks.

I will repeat to you @cheasty that every single one of my single (non-married) friends treats the covid regulations with complete contempt and specialises and every possible occasion, although some of them convince themselves that they’re not breaking the rules too badly.

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Sometimes, depending. I’m pro drugs anyway

It seems to me a lot of the policing has been poor - cops often tend to go after the easy targets - but I think people who are intent on causing trouble are going to do it regardless of policing, they do it for the hell of it and the thrill, for notoriety. And it comes back to the simple fact that as a country we have a problem with drink.


No because this just wouldn’t happen normally. Obviously these people have been waiting for the opportunity but the lockdown combined with the cops targeting soft targets (ie. law abiders) has given them the opportunity.

Eejitry happened up and the country normally in pre-Covid times. Eejitry happens more the longer people are drinking. Now people are starting drinking earlier and are tanked up earlier, ie. 8pm onwards.

No I’m really sorry but you haven’t a clue.

That’s outside International Bar right in city centre. Normally that would be full of normal people in their 20s and 30s but they’re/ we’re not so little lunatics have taken over the empty space. You’re take is 100% wrong. Why did this just start during the lockdown?

I’m after number 6 here and all I’m saying is I’ll run you right through with my knife.

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It doesn’t matter where it happens, they’d do it somewhere. Are you telling me drunken fights and jumping on cars are a phenomenon that has only happened due to Covid? Did you tell Mark Kennedy and Phil Babb that?

All law abiding knife murderers have floral coasters.

Normally they’d be forced to do it in their scummy housing estates and wouldn’t get away with it in city centre because there’d be normal.people there.

You’re so wrong here that you just need to beat a hasty retreat. Why has this started during lockdown and not before.

Also doo you actually believe for a second that people start drinking earlier now than the famous pint men of the 1950s and 60s, paddy kavanagh and the Internet meme guy and those lads

It’s not your city and you don’t know shit.