The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I was jumping on cars in the city centre and wrenching Mercedes signs off them when you were in nappies, mate.

Oh and of course young people are drinking earlier in town. What sort of young people were paying six quid for pints at 4pm pre-Covid? They drank cans in houses and headed into town late to save on drinking costs. Now they’re on the street from the early afternoon drinking cans, and are more than well oiled by the time 9pm comes around.

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Pubs are done, 7 quid for a can is the only way

Sorry, my phone died there. I meant to say that I’ll cut your throat and stuff my floral coaster into your skull.

Thank it’s time to end the lockdown lads.

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The stag who ended up in A and É on his stag


Anyone who goes out to cause trouble deserves the full wrath of the law. The government didn’t make anyone a thug


@Tank will be deleting a fair few posts when he comes to his senses this morning

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I think Graham O Dwyer has enough for a retrial here

Does Drew Harris think that Dr Tony has imposed a curfew for all under 25s?

The mother threatening to ban him from coming home for the Christmas Dinner if he went on his jaunt to Poland was always going to have dire consequences.

Mup the flats

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Salt of the earth types out enjoying themselves

The most effective protest against neo-liberalism since the siege of Lidl 2018.


Compare those scenes to the party atmosphere on South William Street a few days ago when Archbishop Tony said he was “absolutely shocked” and the cops started their crackdown.

Quite the degeneration in a few short days but of course Holohan nor the cops nor the government will accept any blame whatsoever. I wonder if Holohan is absolutely shocked now.


All these youngsters off their heads on cocaine no doubt.

The combination of lockdown and cocaine has effectively lead to the breakdown of society.

It’s very sad.

8 arrested in Cork during the troubles last night.

Shut it down, and allow the Garda resources to spend their time more effectively.

Time to send in the Ra

Not too many negative equity apartments in Leopardstown these days mate

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In the last few days there has been much handwringing and pearl clutching with respect to Irelands relationship with drink. Cans of beer and take away pints are painted as the tinderbox for the chaos but I haven’t heard many mentions of ecstasy/MDMA, cocaine etc. If the guards and authorities applied the same level of zeal in tackling this issue we inevitably wouldn’t have such a break down in society. Drug supply and drug taking has spread its tentacles into every corner of Ireland but there seems to be no plan in place to stop it or arrest the slide. Given the nature of the anti social behaviour its clear that this isn’t drink induced as many would want you to believe. I wonder foes Tony Holohans anti drink remit extend to illegal substances because Its the elephant in the room no one seems to want to address.