The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Everyone is on a bag.

The rubbish strewn around that is made up largely of cans and bottles would suggest drink certainly is central to the debauchery.

There were bottles thrown at guards, not rizlas.

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Itā€™s old fashioned alcohol causing that.

Lads on MDMA arenā€™t throwing bottles at cops.

Booze and coke are synergistic.

I was more referring to fellas hopping from one taxi to another in a fashion akin to a frog and a lily pad but yeah of course there are multi facets at play.

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Where was that taken? Canā€™t make out the location.

Looks like the bottom of Georgeā€™s Street

What we need is a US style War On Drugs, because thatā€™s been such a success. Yeah.

Throw in a bit of real mass incarceration there while youā€™re at it. Thatā€™s the solution to imagined, fake mass incarceration.

That was Thursday night after Ireland beat Andorra.

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You shouldnā€™t have stabbed it.


He gave it fair warningā€¦

Drugs have the whole thing ruined.

Yet thereā€™s barely an acknowledgement of the problem.

Iā€™d love to see the GAA do something as itā€™s the biggest issue facing clubs around the country. Forget your fixtures/split seasons/weight of sliotar. Cocaine will finish clubs within 10 years if itā€™s allowed continue.

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Itā€™s an awful shame class As made it to rural Ireland and took hold with youngsters.

You might laugh at this but I think a lot of it came from Australia. When the credit crunch hit young working class Monaghan town basically all cleared off to Oz. Australia of course has an unbelievable drugs culture, a huge crystal method problem, all that. You started hearing stories of completely normal young Monaghan people doing crystal meth and coke in Australia. And then I think they eventually took it back with them.

I think it also came from London. 10 years ago the coke scene in London was on another level to Ireland, although weā€™re so enthusiastic about it now that Iā€™d say weā€™ve nearly overtaken them.

The Dublin journalists who normalised it need to be called out as well.

Good idea. We should ban drugs the same as all the other things we have banned because of the pandemic.


Nothing to do with the likes of you going as far as Dublin. No no, it was Australia what did it.


The antipodean Monaghan drug route is as Hiberno irish as a Joey meme


Monaghan lads renowned for the craic pipe

So thereā€™s a reason high is the most common Monaghan expression

Iā€™m always happy for shade to be thrown at the brawling builders of Bondi Junction or the lads in sandals and wristbands still shiteing on about a full moon party in 2007.

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