The Shame I feel about Dublin as my ๐Ÿ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

This fella is some cunt

Faith in Dublin restored :heart_eyes:


Some lads talk a good game but when it comes to action they disappear.


The ironing boards holding the cans :joy:

Fat Cunts Association it was termed down my way




Slaphead @artfoley reliving his raving days, lovely to see.


Hard to believe they only turned 40. :slight_smile:

good one, but they look a lot more like @balbec vintage and choice of music

All positive in the suburbs

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It wasnโ€™t. Thereโ€™s more cocaine in Ireland than I ever saw in the UK, and it was worse in the early noughties.

I donโ€™t think it was rampant in rural Ireland during the Tiger. It might have been in middle class dinner parties

FFS. He missed the fucking drop after all his bollox acting

I remember being surprised and slightly shocked by it.

Ah he didnโ€™t. He imperceptibly picked up the pace

Well I can only say what Iโ€™ve seen myself. There was no coke in rural Ireland that I was aware of before the crash whereas in London there were house parties where every single person was on it. In Dublin around that stage there was cocaine but not like today where all the kids have done it.

The UK is flooded with the stuff because the Albanian gangs have a monopoly and control the entire market there, apparently whatโ€™s widely available in the UK now is the purest and cheapest itโ€™s ever been there.

Ah stop, there was stuff floating around Gort and North Clare in 2006 that was better than gear in Columbia