The Shame I feel about Dublin as my ๐Ÿ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)



Free Clothes Association we used call it in kk.


Fools Carrying Arms.


Our local battalion were located on Abbey Street. Fucking Cunts Abbey St.

Those streets in Cork should never be reopened.

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The Brits had the right idea in 1920 to be fair.

Wrong thread. Definitely one โ€œcunt of the yearโ€

Limerick upstaged yet again

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I thought there was a backlog in the courts. WTAF is the dpp prosecuting this for??

Seems clearly a mental health rather than criminal law issue.

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The ice cream vans are circling

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She got free legal aid because she was on the PUP too.


Like a dog with a bone so they are.

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It must be illegal to get fucked up the ass by a dog or something.

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Youโ€™d want your head examined leaving your house in Dublin

I thought the Gardai were all over that area nowadays.

Yer man with the roundhouse kicks got cocky and wasnโ€™t expecting the scrotes to regroup with bottles.

Nobody intervening to help the staff. Pricks videoing instead. Scum would have been outnumbered fairly lively with a citizen intervention.