The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Easy enough to stick another window in it but it would probably just give you some light on the stairs

On second thoughts it would be looking into your bed.

Established local amenities basically meaning front row seats to when hutch v kinahan kicks off again

Fred West comes to mind

Image may contain: 1 person

CoCo and the Butterfields



We’ve been having an awesome time on tour but unfortunately something terrible happened yesterday in Dublin…

Our tour van was broken into and amongst the things stolen was Dulcima’s extremely sentimental violin; the violin used to record all CoCo songs. She’s had the instrument all her life and it’s actually been in her family for decades so as you can imagine she’s distraught.

We figured whoever stole it will be looking to resell it (most likely in the Dublin area) and thankfully it’s quite a distinctive looking instrument so there is a chance we may be able to track it down.

Please could you SHARE this post and implore your friends to keep an eye out (especially if they’re in Dublin) and let us know if you hear anything. If enough people put the word out maybe we’ll be able to find it!

Touring as an unsigned band is hard enough without horrible things like this happening :frowning:

Thank you for your help.

Love CoCo x



Coincidental surely…

The Irish Times: Dirty, dreary, expensive, nothing to do: British parents give their verdict on Dublin.

Mumsnet nails it again


nailed it.

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“Most of the attractions are diddly-dee faux Irish pits of tweeness. The Storehouse is the most boring place I have ever never visited’

Nailed it

Sure anything interesting they had they knocked down to bud a hotel.

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Any examples of interesting tourist attractions knocked to build a hotel?

There does appear to be new hotels on every corner

Just hook it up to my veins

I was in Dublin today. I was more or less thinking the same thing while driving up the quays. From an English point of view though it’s a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

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The Muldoons here from places like Nogra and Limerick queueing up to pat a load of English oul wans on the back for having a cut off Dublin. You could actually make it up at this stage.


You’d wonder has that anything to do with people wanting to come to visit Dublin?

Colonialism has taken a terrible toll on these low achievers.

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Nothing sadder than a mucksavage defending dublin


There are plenty of sadder things.