The Shame I feel about Dublin as my ๐Ÿ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Where do you think theyโ€™re getting the money ?

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Nowhere near as bad as San Fran Iโ€™d say.

70,000 homeless in LA.

per head of population wonder what the % is? 10 million in LA?

what offends you so much about picture 3?

I have many many questions.


Sweet fuck. Darndale?

Da fuqโ€ฆ:flushed:


Do they run over the woman who was standing beside the big lad? You can see he got out of the way anyway. And then who is the lad who tries to run the 2 lads down as they run off?

Fucking landscapers.


At least one of the lads followed health and safety wearing a high vis jacket. :slight_smile:

How do we know this is Dublin? The ref is UK for starters

These kind of lads are absolutely crawling all over twitter for all its reputation as some lefty haven.

A perfectly good bicycle after being ruined there.

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Every cloud

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I wonder did he eat the creme egg while he was watching this unfold.


Paving specialists

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Meeting my cousin shortly at the Palace Bar. Any recommendations nearby for a bit of pub grub and pints? Starving and gasping here.