The size of Mary lou

Imagine if they ever found out what the fenians were saying on TFK

It’s not respectable or middle class to bear a grurge against the British for the Ballymurphy massacre or loyalist collusion or whatever but it’s also not respectable or middle class to forgive SF.

We discussed this at length about a month ago and slaughtered all round us IIRC.


They were only 1 faction involved. The British state created the IRA through various civilian massacres and coercive acts - they continued to murder innocents throughout – you also had Loyalist murder squads in league with the B special and state police … The IRA were one equation in a fucked up time but the others are largely written out of history. There’s no backlash against the British murder machine or its connections to the Dublin/Monaghan bombings … the self hating Irish wont bark up that tree at all.

I’m not defending the murder of innocents nor asking to forget - but political figures are happy to toss the troubles around to suit their own agenda, no matter how dangerous the rhetoric. There will be no reconciliation if they are going to constantly kick one party and keep them in that place everyone supposedly wants to move on from… you cant have it every way.


Hyperbole like that serves nobody- if the IRA were no better than Isis there would have been a lot more murdered, without warning.

Great bunch of lads. Le Mons…

They stopped because they were beaten.

You are a very naughty boy.

What did you expect Northern nationalists to do. Sit there in their burning homes and do nothing?

People like you were happy to turn a blind eye to the murder, discrimination and degradation of Northern nationalists for year, you only started to get opinionated on it when they began to stand up for themselves.


I wasn’t around in the 60s or 70s. They went far beyond standing up for themselves. The Omagh bomb. Yeah, that was a real humdinger alright. Warrington too. What did it achieve? Nothing really.
Were Hume and the SDLP considered cowards just because they didn’t fight fire with fire?
SF seems to attract an awful lot of rabble as well these days. SF, FF, FG, PBP, Lab. All gangsters, some more than others.


Sinn Féin councillor says Shankill bomber was ‘highly regarded’

“a no-warning IRA device”
“The office was empty at the time”

There enough to be horrified by without those sort of shitty bias

He was a victim too that day, whilst he deserved what he got his family didn’t. His superiors sent him out knowing he wouldn’t come back but ‘forgetting’ to tell him.


cc @Bandage

The armed struggle has moved on to the “Pen a strongly worded letter to the Irish Times “ phase.


The ballot box and Mont Blanc phase of the struggle.

The brains trust in scum fein headquarters must be working overtime on how to attach blame for their presidential election wipe out to the brits

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When she was in Fianna Fáil she was a fine bird