The Smashing Tunes Thread (Part 1)

Again - you are not addressing any points I am raising just throwing out random lines.

Rock star/person in the music business/whatever

Good debate here lads. After much consideration I’m siding with Farmer. The reasons are:

  1. This is a smashing tunes thread. Farmer commented on the lack of success for Whipping Boy. They clearly had smashing tunes. The fact the British media didn’t hype up a band that had produced such an excellent album is primarily a reflection on the media themselves.

  2. Rock stars are cunts. Bono is a cunt (TFK cunt of the year 2008 nominee I believe, possibly even a finalist but I’m pretty sure he got out of his heats). Pete Doherty doesn’t seem like the easiest guy in the world to get on with. Van Morrisson is an utter cunt. Fuck it, even Liam Gallagher is a cunt, he seems like he learned it from a manual but he certainly acts the prick. Being arrogant or aloof or snappy or depressing or preachy or rude or intolerable has not prevented plenty of artists from achieving success. I can’t see why it should have been a factor in Whipping Boy not making it.

  3. The Glen Hansard story is a bit odd to be fair. A guy who has starred in two films, had his music in ads and produces radio friendly music is criticising McKee for being all about the fame. I’ve no real problem with Hansard and in fairness to him he didn’t make those comments publically so he’s entitled to his opinion, but by God there’s a world of difference between the brilliance of Heartworm and the decency of some of the Frames stuff.

Chas and Dave are better than any of this shite you lot are talking about.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Again - you are not addressing any points I am raising just throwing out random lines.

Rock star/person in the music business/whatever[/QUOTE]

You called a guy who was last seen washing dishes a rock star farmer, that deserved to be noted. Throw up any other point you want addressed?

Close, but lacked the rock star attitude to get to the same level.

I’ve got a theory. Whipping Boy are shite and thats why nobody gives a fuck.

Flano has spoken.

Lou Reed would beg to differ, and he’s got better taste in shirts than you have.

Lou Reed can beg all he wants.


[quote=“north county corncrake”]


It is one hell of an argument derailer alright … :popcorn:

Seamus Brogan - Master Lilter

Another version of this superb REM song

Agreed Larry. One of their very best.

And that says a lot.

One of the best albums of the last few years:

Midlake’s The Trials of Van Occupanther


They have a new album due out soon.

Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over the Sea

Aphex Twin - Heliosphan

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]One of the best albums of the last few years:

Midlake’s The Trials of Van Occupanther


They have a new album due out soon.


They’ve been too long away. Absolutely sound lads as well.
While I totally love Fleet Foxes, Midlake should’ve been as big as them. Timing is everything in life, I guess.

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