The Smashing Tunes Thread (Part 1)

Itā€™s not that bad. Sounds like he forgot the words thoughā€¦

Its farmer trying to be too ā€œout thereā€ or different or indie in his tastes. It may have some meaning for the man himself, his race or his community, but it means nothing to a white european.

It would be like giving a non english speaking Japanese person Raglan Road to listen to and saying thats some of our finest song/poem writing traditional music there for ya. They are going to go ā€œWhat da fuck?ā€ in their native tongue and switch it off.

i get the impression farmer would be posting charlie landsborough videos if he thought nobody had heard of him

Bloody hell!

I get the impression that if you had a million quid in the bank and was riding Cheryl Cole you would still be giving out - you miserable old fook

Oh is it Kev? It must be great to have the ability to call bluffers out all the time. You truly are our saviour.

Question for you - do you like Sigur Ros?

I just call it as i see it, sometimes that can be proven wrong by the other person, and then iā€™m more than happy to put up my hand and say i was wrong. Iā€™m really not inclined to do that with some of the stuff you pull out, from some very good taste to utter shite, which i genuinely believe (and obviously others do as well) is all for some sort of weird show of music snobbery.

I liked their famous tune, hoppipolla, found the music and video inspiring. First heard it attached to a very emotional event for one of my close friends, so it has a lasting liking for me. Havenā€™t listened to many other tunes from them, but they seem like they really have a great appreciation and love for music.

Drive-by-Truckers Danko/Manuel

Ah fuck, how do you put up you-tube clips again?

Figured it out. :unsure:

Well thats a jpeg for a start.

I think that was where I was going wrong alright Kev :stuck_out_tongue:

Great tune off their new album

I posted up the album version of this but i think the acoustic version is the shit

If thatā€™s farmer trying to be ā€œout thereā€ then this is you just jumping on the ā€œfarmer is a music snobā€ bandwagon. Somebody has to mention Farmerā€™s music snobbery at least once a week on this thread and sure it may as well be you this time.

Did you really think the music was that bad or were you having a pop for the sake of it?

Getting the thread back on topic.

For Bandage

No, not having a pop for the sake of it. There was nothing smashing about it for one thing. There is no way someone from this side of the world would understand it, and it was just someone trying to be ā€œout thereā€.

How would you know? You think you have this God given ability to call people out.

I like the song a lot, I havenā€™t a clue what heā€™s talking about but I think it sounds brilliant.

How many songs that you can say hand on heart that you know what the singer is talking about?

Thatā€™s why I mentioned Sigur Ros - their language is gibberish.

Fine you donā€™t like it but give the crusade to out the spoofers a rest because by doing it you are the biggest spoofer of all.

New Fast Automatic Daffodils


Itā€™s Not What You Know

As New Fads (much better name), the brilliant Souvenir.

Why Waste Your Love