The Snooker Thread (Part 2)

What a final to look forward to :sleeping:

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I’m looking forward to it. Two proper old school players.

They might get it finished before the start of next year’s.

This must be the worst final matchup ever. Surely kyren will win this by 5 frames plus.

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Wilson is clearly the favourite but not anywhere close to 2/7 for me

Ya +3.5 frames in a final like this is decent value I think.

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I think Wilson will win by 5 or 6.



I went all snookix yesterday and went in to the Eglington for a frame to see if I still had it (I don’t). This chap rolled in to the table beside me after about a half hour. He took an age to get ready, got his cue out, put it together, wiped it down took a few deep breaths and broke off. I thought to myself, this chap will be decent(He wasn’t).

Between the two of us the tourettes was off the charts. My main under-the-breath comment was ‘slow down ta fuck’ to the white ball but my friend had bigger issues than control of the white. At one stage I stood back to watch him take one shot. He knew I was watching. He was trying to cut a tight red to the centre pocket. He went up from balk and totally missed it but on the way back down it hit a different red and knocked it in. He gave it a big ‘yes’ and accompanied it with a Waterford style fist pump. I finished up quickly and exited the building.


A fair few empty seats

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4 nil to wilson.

Jones very nervy

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7-1. Wilson very comfortable

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Comeback on. 1st 2 frames of the night to Jones. Fair play to him after a nightmare start.


This Jones chap is a bit gung ho here. Very lucky to be only 9-4 down.

Wilson can keep him at arm’s length now. In control.


Jones can just throw in the towel after that.

Loads of empty seats.

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He’s won the frame.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets back into this.

Jak playing well now, wouldn’t be surprised to see it finish 10-7