The Sobriety Thread

Day 16 for massey I’ll try sticking this out as long as I can,great getting up fresh every day,all the wee jobs about the house are getting done I’m even lookin for things to do

Have entered my fifth week off the booze, you really feel amazing going without it for a prolonged period.

I must of drank 10 jäger bombs last night, I’m still pissth.

I think I’ll take a break from it after Tuesday.

You’re fucked now.
You’ll get way less slack at home now when you eventually do go back on the beer.

I’d say I’ve only drank to excess once since the new year. No interest in it.

Fell off the horse for a few days there, but signing in now until Thursday.

do you find your life changing in ways you never thought possible? increased energy levels and clarity of thought?

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1107226, member: 1786”]You’re fucked now.
You’ll get way less slack at home now when you eventually do go back on the beer.

I’d say I’ve only drank to excess once since the new year. No interest in it.[/QUOTE]
I like putterin about the house but have no patients for anything after drink

Yes all of the above. I’m operating on a different level now. I’ve started devouring interesting books now as well, such is the broadening of my mind and clarity of thought i have, i can see the bigger picture now and what it takes to become more successful.

Imagine being a roaster like Mac or Fran and being out last night sculling pints until 3am, eating chips and a kebab then with a portion of curry sauce before staggering home and sleeping in the box room. Wake this morning at 11.30, bleary eyes with a banging headache. Get up and trundle down the town for the paper, read it at the kitchen table eating the Denny sausages and rashers you fried, black pudding, Brennans bread, brown sauce smeared all over everything. A day in front of the tv then watching the racing and the rugby while farts and sweat emanate and pore out of every orifice. No thanks. That’s not living.

That’s existing.

Covey - 7 Habits of highly effective people.

Sharpen the saw.

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 1107280, member: 2269”]Yes all of the above. I’m operating on a different level now. I’ve started devouring interesting books now as well, such is the broadening of my mind and clarity of thought i have, i can see the bigger picture now and what it takes to become more successful.

Imagine being a roaster like Mac or Fran and being out last night sculling pints until 3am, eating chips and a kebab then with a portion of curry sauce before staggering home and sleeping in the box room. Wake this morning at 11.30, bleary eyes with a banging headache. Get up and trundle down the town for the paper, read it at the kitchen table eating the Denny sausages and rashers you fried, black pudding, Brennans bread, brown sauce smeared all over everything. A day in front of the tv then watching the racing and the rugby while farts and sweat emanate and pore out of every orifice. No thanks. That’s not living.[/QUOTE]

I have to say that I haven’t done any of that in years Tess, it wouldn’t really appeal to me

Into my 5th week now,im flying about the house doin bits and bobs all those little jobs I was putting off have been done and im lookin for more,im even putting on the washing when shes not here,its great getting up early on a Saturday and headin into town to get what I need for the day and to be headin back out before most people are even out of bed,had the mixer ticking over at exactly 8 o clock yesterday morning,life is good

Day 92.

That’s great going, fair play to you Fagan

Is this for medical reasons, Fagan? Relaxing with a glass of red wine after a hard weeks work is one of life’s great pleasures. Why would you deny yourself that?

I learned to relax without a glass of red wine. What’s wrong with that. It’s another one of life’s great pleasures. Could go back on the drink on a whim, mind you but it’s been great to be off it for a stretch.

Nothing wrong with it, Fagan. Whatever floats your boat.

[QUOTE=“Fagan ODowd, post: 1116949, member: 706”]I learned to relax without a glass of red wine. What’s wrong with that. It’s another one of life’s great pleasures. Could go back on the drink on a whim, mind you but it’s been great to be off it for a stretch.[/QUOTE]unreal, you sound like you are experiencing savage clarity of thought, there’s nothing like it is there? being fresh, alert and enjoying life, not bleary eyed from drink

great to be alive lads, great day to have clarity of thought, gearing up for a savage session now in the gym, the only session the likes of mac will be gearing up involves cheap bottles of craft beer from lidl