The Sobriety Thread

I was out in the Oval in Cork about a month or so ago, took on the driving duties while everyone else was drinking. Had Paulaner non-alcoholic for the night. It wasn’t bad. But this was a major session and it’s hard to keep at the n/a stuff for the night; especially Paulaner, got full quite quick.

Day 150

It might be time you stopped counting in days, Fagan. Monthly tallies will suffice from now on.

By the way, I’m only 149 days behind you.

Signing in

I’m on day 27 or 28. Had planned to break it this evening but had no desire for a drink. Probably will tomorrow

Sat on the jacks with half a gram of personal 4 or 5 beers and 3 stiff jack Daniels in me. Not in

Dylan McGrath : Day 0

Liar liar. pants*on fire

*probably St Bernard skinnies

6 months today @Juhniallio


Time to sign back in for the month of July me thinks

Is this your longest ever period without drinking since you commenced drinking regularly?
Will you ever go back?

Good man Fagan. You’re an inspiration.

Longest time off the drink since I was 15 I reckon. I’d love a beer or a glass of wine, but I like being off it as well,so I don’t know.

Signing in

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What do you like about it? Sense of satisfaction or do you feel that much better?

Had a hard slog at the brother wedding…very little sleep and a lot of booze, jesus i felt like absolute shit since sunday…

I’ve barley ahd a bowel movement since so i must be due to erupt :scream:

really thinking of knocking the booze on the head for a month

The sense of not being beholden to the drink.

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I think a man working outdoors feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds


I dug out a ditch on Sunday and had a large bottle of Perrier after. I felt manly enough.

I’ve never been a big drinker but with the exception of an Old Fashioned on my birthday I’m completely off it three weeks now.

I’ve been wanting to give it up for a sustained period for some time now but I have absolutely no personality so I find socialising very difficult without having a few pints in me. I’ve now come through two social occasions (a work leaving drinks and Friday pints in the 51) by drinking non-alcoholic beers. It actually feels great to be in total control of yourself and remember everything from the night. I’m now confident I can do this for a few weeks or months.

I’ve combined the sobriety with a new early morning training regime and a few people in work have already remarked that I look less depressed and more upbeat than usual. Drinking is for mugs.