The Sobriety Thread

Six days.

Signing in. Want to be reasonably sharp for the new job so I’ve scaled back to a few pints on Fridays and a bottle of wine on Saturdays. This is the first weekend of the new regime so only had about 6 pints last night. Felt great this morning and will be off to the gym in an hour or so. Drinking is a mug’s game.


Stupid cunts that think they can’t be in any kind of social situation without pouring huge amounts of drink into themselves should be taken out of the gene pool.

12 days…

Day 200



it sounds like you life is changing ways that you never thought possible

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6 weeks clean. Was in the gym at 8am this morning. Came home and had a nutribullet. Went off then and got the car washed. Stopped off at Super Valu on the way home and picked up ingredients to make a homemade soup. Have just had a bowl of it, to quote Darina Allen - it’s simply delicious.

Have only lost about 4lbs so far but hoping that picks up pace too.


And mugs are for drinking.

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Sobriety my hole. Booze is for winners. I’m sitting at home drinking watching utd on the computer. Winner.

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7 months.


6 weeks dry now. Came through another work event last night without cracking.

Left work early today and hit the gym. Set a new distance record for my 30 min run.

I’m winning. At sobriety that is. The rest of my life is very boring at the moment.

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Santi & Theo have signed new Contracts. 2015/16 will be our Season, pal.

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4 weeks.

Might have a hew over the weekend but in moderation

I’m considering not drinking anything at all, as in no alcohol whatsoever for the entire weekend.

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All jokes aside would you find that difficult?

I’m finding it very easy to abstain these days.

I lilke a bottle or two of beer in the evening at the weekend and I mean literally just a bottle or two. When that’s all I’m having I’d never see a reason not to have it.




Two bottles is hardly a bender


Hoo ho