The Sobriety Thread

Are we AI Final bound next weekend bud?

I need some therapeutic help before answering such weighty questions. At the moment I’m not leaving the couch until Christmas.

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I’m too sick to go back to the appropriate thread but the ref is definitely a homer in this one.

11 weeks. :pint:


Where is @Fagan_ODowd?

12 weeks 2 days.

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14 weeks today.

I had work drinks last night and by about 10pm when the music picked up I was absolutely gagging for a G&T, had parked the car at RCSI though so had to hold out.

Going to Arsenal Holdings plc vs Manchester United plc at the Emirates Stadium next Sunday so that will likely be the end of this spell.

An interesting experiment nonetheless, to do it long term you’d need a hobby that you’re very much into like cycling or golf.

Does it affect your enjoyment of a night out or do you get used to it?

Can you give us a snapshot of your mental state after 14 weeks on the dry? Any different?

…mad for a g&t and as things are boring you’ll take up cycling or golf…??? Christ Almighty…

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@TheUlteriorMotive - hugely impacts the enjoyment of a night out. I left last night at around 11pm when things were getting going. At that stage the conversations I was having were starting to deteriorate due to the inebriation of the other party. Most nights out have been fine up to that point and painful beyond it. The positive is that it’s easy to slip away. It has definitely opened my eyes to how much of a gobshite I probably was when locked and I hope that I can avoid getting absolutely rat arsed next time I go for a big night out. Last time I was in New York to see my friends and former colleagues I ended up going out on the day I arrived (a Wednesday), got absolutely shit faced and couldn’t do anything until Saturday. I was only there for four nights and three were a write off. It’s that kind of shit I hope this exercise will help me avoid.

@Kinvara_s_Passion if I’m 100% honest I thought my mental state would be better at this stage. It’s definitely more stable but I wouldn’t say I’m significantly better. There’s a huge advantage in waking up on a Saturday morning feeling rested & fresh and being able to do something with your day, weekends definitely feel longer. The feeling of always being in control is good too, you are aware of everything you’re doing on a night out and you obviously don’t have the regrets the next day. There’s also the downside, you get to Friday evening and you’re happy to be leaving work but within half an hour of getting home you’re left sitting there - is this it? Is this all there is? I’m childless and dogless to there’s no distractions for me.

Overall lesson for me is probably to drink in moderation. Hard to do in this country with rounds but there’s a big pay off if you can do it at your own pace and in moderation. You’ll have the craic and avoid the worst of the downsides.

I’ll report back on how my reintroduction to drinking goes next week.


A handy one if on rounds is to switch from pints to bottles, that’s one third less beer straight off.

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Yeah interesting. Socialising without drinking Is difficult

I think about six or seven drinks is optimimum but tricky to have self control to stop at that once you are actually drinking

Let us know how you get on. If it works then definitely worthwhile experiment

Yea but a 25% increase in money. Bottles are a fucking rip off. Always drink the black stuff when I m out. Fills me up after six. A small Jameson and good luck


Signing in.




15 weeks 2 days. Signing out from Holloway Road.

Really looking forward to the hangover and the crushing depression that follows a typical Arsenal farce.

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Any advice appreciated lads. Normally have 3 or 4 cans every night. Decided to come off it for November. Would love one now. All advice appreciated

You have an alcohol dependency issue, mate. Drinking every night is ludicrous carry on. You need to see a therapist.


Took me long enough to realise it

I’m here for you.

Normally would put the empty cans into the recycle bin every night and wouldnt take any notice. For some reason last week I left them in the back kitchen. It was only then I realised how many had built up when I went to clear them up yesterday. Fuck me I got the fright of my life