The Sobriety Thread

Signing in.

Staying in tonight for the first night in many nights.

In fact I can’t remember my last alcohol free day before today.

Won’t someone please think of the children?!

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I haven’t been out since the 26th. I’m doing a @Fagan_ODowd, looking for to the new year with great intent.

MTV Classic

90s Dance

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‘My lover’s got no money. He’s got his strong beliefs’


Stayin in myself as well farmer i havent been out on new years eve in about ten years,goin out on new years eve is for mugs,ill have a few tomorrow night then off it for a while hopefully


Same as that

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Robert Miles - Children

Always hated that cunt of a song

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Grace - Not Over Yet


Back on track

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Signing in. Almost 5 hours without a drink. Going strong.


Good man. How are you holding up? I’d say you folded within the last hour or two.

Im holding in there. I will have a serious dose of the fear tonight I reckon.

Right with you. Sherlock Holmes is on at 9 and I’ll be abusing chocolate mice for most of the night. That should see me through.

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Last day on the drink here now. Giving it up for another stretch then.


Who in their right mind watches Sherlock Holmes?

is it alright to watch Sherlock?

It was fairly good. Yes its ok, watch whatever you want pal

Fair play pal. Going to give rest of Jan a break myself

Over the last two days I ate well. And I drank very little. I’m gonna change that tonight.

Are you in Cork now as well

I do. Is it the misnaming or the actual content you have a problem with?

How are you today, pal?