The Sobriety Thread

No massey. Fingal.

Great. No jar last night. Off it for the guts of january id say. How’s your good self?

Have a great day @fagan.

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I’d imagine the content wouldn’t be to my liking. But u assumed that applied to everyone.

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You’ve lost me. What did I assume applied to everyone?

Oh. I had a typo. That u should be an i. Maybe best leave this, we’re getting nowhere.

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Grand. Are you working on Monday? If not come on over and help me move house.

No hangover over the Xmas period, drinking to excess is for mugs


I’m working thankfully.

Not any more.

13 days, guys.

Two glasses of red wine with lunch on New Year’s Day but no alcohol since.

I’ll double it to 26 days and reassess matters then.


You’d be better having the odd glass of wine with dinner than going full blown cold turkey.

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Well done, pal. I am on something similar, although I am not off alcohal I haven’t got drunk or had a hangover since the weekend of the All Ireland Hurling final. Drinking to excess is for mugs.


Well done mate. Far more impressive than the amount of dopey Irish eejits about the place that are on “dry January” to “detox” themselves, in some sort of idiotic risk/reward system where they’ll go cold turkey for a month and then pat themselves on the back for their good work and lash straight back into binge drinking come February as if the month off built up credit in the bank that cancelled out their next 12 pint bender.

That’s exactly what I’ll be doing pal.

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You’re doing more harm than good, but good luck to you sir.

Sober for 19 days now, going to go til at least the end of January and will then try to set the goal to end of February

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Sobriety is great.


Ditto. 19 days here too.