The episode where Chris dies is typical Sorpranos. Probably the second main character, he is killed off at the start of the episode, instead of the usual cliff hanger ending. Tony then goes off to Las Vegas, takes drugs and rides Chris’s ex.
Sure how else could you end something like that. The show was always much more about the “Journey” than the destination.
I thought it was a decent way to finish up and it’s up to the viewer to interpret it in their own way.
Something leaked from an interview Chase did recently where he made some comment about Tony dying so that’s likely what he was thinking.
I’ve had onion rings in Holsten’s diner, a nice spot.
This place would have crashed the internet if the final scene had been in Scottie’s
I would have preferred if Meadow arrived in, they discussed her change in birth control medication and the scene faded from view, like all other episodes. The guy could have went to the jacks and it could be debated as to whether he was an assassin, or indeed if it even mattered.
I thought it was a good ending. Everybody has a different interpretation of what happened
It’s clear the ending is from Tony’s perspective. He gets a bullet in the back of the head… killed instantly… lights out… darkness… a void… The End.
The ending was beautiful
It could be anything you wanted it to be
And they had the balls to sell it
Also has a serious run of luck in Vegas once the monkey of worrying about Chris is off his back. He was a serious degenerate
How did you feel about Chris’s end
Bad by Tony.
Had to be done though. He had his chances
Incidentally the intervention scene was one of the shows best
The screen goes black and maybe Tony’s dead. What’s definitely dead is our feed into Tony’s world. The fact that the ending is still being debated well over a decade later shows how good it was.
And funniest
Interesting that it was placed alongside AJ’s suicide attempt. Both messed up people yet Tony decides to kill one and save the other.
One was his son.
But he gave it loads of how Chris was his ‘nephew’ and he would pass it on to him one day.
Real reason is that he thought Chris would flip and his business was threatened. Bad man.
He wanted him to take the hit,that’s all.
Nephew in the family was like ‘cousin’. Mattered fuck all when push came to shove.
I thought it was crystal clear with Chris. Tony killed him because he thought anybody getting high or “using” would flip if they were brought in by fbi.