The strange circumstances surrounding my most recent injury

I was in the kitchen last night just getting ready to cook up a feast for my visiting girlfriend and was deciding what music to put on to compliment my impending culinary masterpiece. As I returned from the arched position I was in sorting out music on the laptop I felt a sharp strain on my lower back. Intially I didn’t think too much of it and decided to try and cook it off.

5 minutes later I was lying on the bed giving the bad news to the girlfriend that we were going to have to cope with a saba-to-go take away (a nice meal in itself but a poor 2nd to my chili con carne)

2 hours later I was writhing in agony on the sitting room floor surrounded by ice-packs trying to numb the pain.

3 Diaphine, 2 Solpadol, a bowl of wheatabix, a cheese sandwich, a cup of tea, a terrible nights sleep and a day in the bed later the pain has somewhat subsided. I’m going to try and tackle the chili con carne again tonight but if you don’t hear from me tomorrow assume the worst.

Any other strange injury stories out there?

bigger eejit you trying to ice a strain/pull…hot pack is the only job…i have a fair few on account of me being as injury proned as fuck…might put up a few later if i get a chance

That’s nearly as strange as Dave Beasant trying to juggle a jar of Mayonaisse with his foot when it fell out of the fridge.

10 mins with an ice pack, then 10 mins with a hot pack, rinse and repeat for about ah hour. Encourages the blood to get flowing through the affected area.

i believe santiago canizares missed out on either the 2002 world cup or euro 04 when he dropped a bottle of aftershave on his foot…

I missed a championship match once cause I pulled my hamstring doing a run in the morning.

The real reason was I was out on the lash and decided it would be a good reason to hop over a wheelie bin (they are fairly big you know) and wrenched my back

dont be such a pussy Fran!

[quote=“Fran”]I was in the kitchen last night just getting ready to cook up a feast for my visiting girlfriend and was deciding what music to put on to compliment my impending culinary masterpiece. As I returned from the arched position I was in sorting out music on the laptop I felt a sharp strain on my lower back. Intially I didn’t think too much of it and decided to try and cook it off.

5 minutes later I was lying on the bed giving the bad news to the girlfriend that we were going to have to cope with a saba-to-go take away (a nice meal in itself but a poor 2nd to my chili con carne)

2 hours later I was writhing in agony on the sitting room floor surrounded by ice-packs trying to numb the pain.

3 Diaphine, 2 Solpadol, a bowl of wheatabix, a cheese sandwich, a cup of tea, a terrible nights sleep and a day in the bed later the pain has somewhat subsided. I’m going to try and tackle the chili con carne again tonight but if you don’t hear from me tomorrow assume the worst.

Any other strange injury stories out there?[/quote]

I fooked up my back quite badly at Christmas 2006. Was bending down to pick up a shirt off the floor in my bedroom and felt a sharp pain but thought little of it. A couple of hours later I was lying on the ground in my suit out at client’s, with my legs resting on a chair. It was agony. Spent two days in bed and whenever I tried to get out of bed it would take about 15 minutes. Was decent enough though cos I got a sick cert for 5 days and it was the week before Christmas so I just fooked off to Galway a week earlier.

Did something similar but not as bad when in Laos a few months ago. Was having a balancing competition on a rubber tube in a swimming pool. Thankfully you can get some very strong painkillers over the counter in Laos so I was grand.

[quote=“Clareman”]I missed a championship match once cause I pulled my hamstring doing a run in the morning.

The real reason was I was out on the lash and decided it would be a good reason to hop over a wheelie bin (they are fairly big you know) and wrenched my back[/quote]

The thing is I have a county semi-final this weekend and I doubt I’m gonna make it now. It’s much better today but I’m still walking a little like a crab

I remember a bird I was going out with before I met the Mrs. Things were not going too well and I decided to call time on it (well the Christmas party season was just around the corner). Heard the week after we split she did her back in, in ribbons she was. Thank fook I got out at the right time.

Myself, worst was straining the front of my calf by practicing kickouts for an hour the day before my Munster Senior Debut. Got the centre half to take them after my first 2 attempts barely made it past the box.

A lazurus type return for the final, turn up to the dressing room for the semi, tell the lads you can’t play, put you heart on the line, “I’ve never asked ye for anything before lads, but I’m asking ye now” type speech.

Clearly don’t tell them that you can’t play cause you did you back in opening a jar of Uncle Bens

[quote=“Fran”]I was in the kitchen last night just getting ready to cook up a feast for my visiting girlfriend and was deciding what music to put on to compliment my impending culinary masterpiece. As I returned from the arched position I was in sorting out music on the laptop I felt a sharp strain on my lower back. Intially I didn’t think too much of it and decided to try and cook it off.

5 minutes later I was lying on the bed giving the bad news to the girlfriend that we were going to have to cope with a saba-to-go take away (a nice meal in itself but a poor 2nd to my chili con carne)

2 hours later I was writhing in agony on the sitting room floor surrounded by ice-packs trying to numb the pain.

3 Diaphine, 2 Solpadol, a bowl of wheatabix, a cheese sandwich, a cup of tea, a terrible nights sleep and a day in the bed later the pain has somewhat subsided. I’m going to try and tackle the chili con carne again tonight but if you don’t hear from me tomorrow assume the worst.

Any other strange injury stories out there?[/quote]

Dump Her

“surrounded by Ice Packs”
Dump her

What were you planning on serving with the Chilli Con Carne?

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Dump Her

“surrounded by Ice Packs”
Dump her[/quote]

A luxury I cannot afford with the mug I possess MGG



He didn’t get it.
In more ways than one.

Fran, ok so you look like E.T. in your avatar. Doesn’t matter, even if you looked like Joe Canning you were in trouble.

Chili is a very un sexy meal to dish up. Its okay in a bowl when ye’re watching X-Factor, but for a night in with one ending planned; you were on a loser with Chili.

Very wrong Maire…

A slow cooked chilli made with shin of beef, served with some fluffy cous cous and sour cream, washed down with a nice Crianza, is a far cry from the pre-menapausal x-factor food you describe.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]He didn’t get it.
In more ways than one.

Fran, ok so you look like E.T. in your avatar. Doesn’t matter, even if you looked like Joe Canning you were in trouble.

Chili is a very un sexy meal to dish up. Its okay in a bowl when ye’re watching X-Factor, but for a night in with one ending planned; you were on a loser with Chili.[/quote]

I didn’t get it MGG.

What would you recommend cooking next time?

[quote=“Fran”]I didn’t get it MGG.

What would you recommend cooking next time?[/quote]

Something that doesn’t make you fart for the night; so no beans.

Chicken Cearsar salad, crusty bread & real butter. Loads of crispy chilly white or rose.

Chocolate mousse for afters.
the salad leaves loads of room; and you won’t be too full for adventure.
Creamy chocolate stuff has other uses too.