The strange circumstances surrounding my most recent injury

[quote=“HangBlaa”]Very wrong Maire…

A slow cooked chilli made with shin of beef, served with some fluffy cous cous and sour cream, washed down with a nice Crianza, is a far cry from the pre-menapausal x-factor food you describe.[/quote]

who the fuck do think you are? Ainsley Harriett

Shin of beef; fluffy cous cous. Jeremy Clarkson would rip your head off, fry it; slice it and have it between to doorsteps for brekki.

HangyourheadBlaa. When has Shin of beef ever been in your Spar shopping basket?

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Something that doesn’t make you fart for the night; so no beans.

Chicken Cearsar salad, crusty bread & real butter.

And what do I cook for myself?

FFS lads, get onto this forum hearing it’s the best thing since sliced bread and then it’s all about cookery :smiley:

Anyway, don’t be getting too over done with the cooking, and don’t put all your eggs in 1 basket, if you mess up it part your in trouble, so go for easy food.

Starter - Chicken and mushroom vol-au-vent.
Get the vol-au-vents from the freezer in tesco, follow the instructions on them (don’t worry about the egg wash part).
While in tesco also pick up a cooked chicken, variety of sliced mushrooms, nice bottle of wine, cream, garlic chips, 1 yellow pepper, selection of lettuce (in a bag) and fresh parsley.

Small pot put a little good olive oil (Aldi is cheapest) and a few garlic chips, leave this to heat.
Get the cooked chicken (best if it’s cold at this stage) and take a nice bit of white meat from it and dice this.
Put chicken into pot with oil and garlic.
Throw some wine over the chicken (splash, about half a glass).
Fill it up with cream, leave to simmer for ~8 minutes.
Put vol-au-vent onto plate, spoon mix from pot into the shell.
Finely chop the parsley, put it over the top (gets rid of the dull grey colour).
Put some of your lettece with diced yellow peppers on the side for garnish.


ok for the starters

Or its that for another thread?

Myself, worst was straining the front of my calf by practicing kickouts for an hour the day before my Munster Senior Debut. Got the centre half to take them after my first 2 attempts barely made it past the box.[/quote]

don’t talk to me about goal kicks…fucking bollocks of a yolk…have a right groin strain since the first match of the season 4 weeks ago and and struggling to shake it off…

gave myself an unmerciful thigh strain one night after i spent a whole session practicing goal kicks and striking out of ball out of hand…

don’t think people ever realise the technique needed for these two skills, people just seem to think that just put your foot through the ball and it will be alright…

[quote=“The Puke”]don’t talk to me about goal kicks…fucking bollocks of a yolk…have a right groin strain since the first match of the season 4 weeks ago and and struggling to shake it off…

gave myself an unmerciful thigh strain one night after i spent a whole session practicing goal kicks and striking out of ball out of hand…

don’t think people ever realise the technique needed for these two skills, people just seem to think that just put your foot through the ball and it will be alright…[/quote]

thats a new one.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Jeremy Clarkson would rip your head off, fry it; slice it and have it between to doorsteps for brekki.

Yeah, but Clarkson is a cunt.

Main course

While in tesco, get bag of spuds and whatever veg you’d like. Alsoo get some of their cajun spices (in a jar)
Goto butchers, get a nice piece of fillet of beef, cut about finger length in thickness.

Take the stakes out of the fridge, coat in oil and a little sprinking of salt and pepper.
Boil the spuds, about half way through take out a few of the bigger once, about 4 of them. At this point you might want to turn your oven up to the top
Cut the spuds into wedges and place into bowl (leave skins on btw).
pour in some of your olive oil and a nice sprinkling of the cajun spices. Coat the wedges in the oil and cajun. Get a oven tray, place them on this and put into the preheated oven, turn heat down to ~200.
When the spuds are cooked you want to mash them, use some cream, salt & pepper, leave the skins on. You want them to be sticky, doesn’t matter about lumps.
On a HOT frying pan, quickly cook the steaks (they should be room temperature), shouldn’t take more than 3 minutes per side. Take steaks out of the pan.
In the pan, put in a bit of cream and mushrooms and stir well, this is your sauce.

Get 2 BIG hot plates, put a bit of mash into the middle of the plate, place 1 piece of steak flat and then another 1 tilted against the side, around this place your wedges.
Put your sauce into a small egg cup type container and place on the side of the plate. On a side dish serve up your veg.


Dessert, you are never ever going to get this right. Get yourself something nice from somewhere, personally I would goto O’Connors Bakery (same place as tesco as well) and get 1 of their cheesecakes. Whip some cream (way too much, for extra desert :smiley: )

Don’t forget a nice cup of coffee or tea (whichever is your fancy) or Irish coffee, you’d have finished off the bottle of white from the starter at this stage so more drink might be nice :slight_smile:

won’t argue only to add that he’s a stinking rich cunt
and from regurgitating the same “real men don’t eat quiche” for the last 20 yrs.

[quote=“Clareman”]Dessert, you are never ever going to get this right. Get yourself something nice from somewhere, personally I would goto O’Connors Bakery (same place as tesco as well) and get 1 of their cheesecakes. Whip some cream (way too much, for extra desert :smiley: )

Don’t forget a nice cup of coffee or tea (whichever is your fancy) or Irish coffee, you’d have finished off the bottle of white from the starter at this stage so more drink might be nice :)[/quote]

queer as fuck. way too much housework left over with that menu.
I’ve even launched a thread on your behalf CM.

Fran you’ll never get yer end away with Claregayman’s recipes, mainly because ye’ll be too stuffed to even budge away from the table, and getting her to put anything else into her gob is a likely as getting her to clean the hob after all that frying.

Stick with a good hearty salad, couple of baked spuds, and the mousse.
Guarranteed result.

Where the hell are the vegetables Clareman? I do like spuds in all different shapes, sizes and currencies but that’s a complete overload

a lot to be said for a nice carrot/parsnip mix…

Stick with a good hearty salad, couple of baked spuds, and the mousse.
Guarranteed result.[/quote]

Well see…

aye, no such thing as a hearty salad. salad is sald, leafy and unfilling. need a slab of meat and a few spuds and veg to get you going. and dont worry about her, you have to get your own fill first.

I left the veg up to yourself, can’t go wrong with carrots, caulli and brocilli.

Maire, not much work to be done, 1 bowl, 1 small pot, 1 large pot, 1 frying pan.

Anyway, whoever cooks doesn’t do the washing up :smiley:

[quote=“Clareman”]I left the veg up to yourself, can’t go wrong with carrots, caulli and brocilli.

Maire, not much work to be done, 1 bowl, 1 small pot, 1 large pot, 1 frying pan.

Anyway, whoever cooks doesn’t do the washing up :D[/quote]

I’ve a cleaner, so I wouldn’t know how it gets done.
But your dinner won’t get Fran his bit of afters.
And Fran, include chicken in that salad but offer her crispy bacon bits. If she takes up the offer of additional meat you’ve a keeper.

Don’t worry, she never turns down my offering of meat!


[quote=“Fran”]Don’t worry, she never turns down my offering of meat!


who could

You are starting to talk some real sense these days;)