The waxing lyrical about the issues with the Mayo Footballing Psyche Thread

They played county panelistā€™s in county league games when other clubs werenā€™t allowed. They won the league which is taken fairly seriously. In one particular game the other team had players on the sideline as Conor o Shea player for Breaffy.

Apparently they (led by AOS auld lad) have been known for similar breaches.

They have lost 4 finals narrowly so as an outsider Iā€™d love to see them win it but that love would not be common around Castlebar.

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I was agreeing with you. I just donā€™t think heā€™d start for kerry, Dublin or Tyrone. Heā€™s extremely one dimensional, and as other teams s&c had improved the influence gained by his physical presence have waned.

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Ah I hear you but I was on about panels. For all the abuse he gets, I dont think there is one county in the country who would turn him away.

Not a chance Kerry or dublin have him. Jim launched Eamon fennel quick smart and thatā€™s the orbit o Shea is in.

No team serious about winning Sam would take him

Jim ??

Jimā€™s gone mate

Every single county would have him

Entourage included?


Heā€™s a beaten docket alas

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Jim and leitrim man Darcy knew. No passengers no egos. Clucko, Dermo, Flynner, MDMA and Cian o Sullivan ran the o sheas all over Croke Park and they were gassed after 50 minutes

Darcy was twice the player AOS ever will be


Not sure what your point is.

My point is that right now, AOS would be on every county panel in the country.

Mick O Connell was better than him aswell


Who wouldnā€™t want a shaper who canā€™t kick the ball over the bar from 25 metres in front of the posts?


You could do with another 6 month ban if thats the best you can come up with

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Dont recall him ever missing those tbh. Struggles from an angle at times alrightā€¦which are arguably easier I grant you. But heā€™s not there to be an out and out scorer. Well thatā€™s the way I see him anyway.

Still dont see one county turning him away.

Youā€™re the one who compared him to a player from the past ffs sake

Whatā€™s he there for? You think Kerry or dublin take him? He hasnā€™t progressed skill wise throughout his career - in fact heā€™s got worse. I thought Horan had lanced the boil in taking him off in the semi but alas shit himself in the final.


Dublin and Kerry definitely have him involved. No doubt whatsoever. Listen, itā€™s an argument that will have no definitive answer but he gets on every panel in the country right now imo. Neither of us will be able to prove our opinion either way and I want to get back concentrating on the NFL :laughing: