The waxing lyrical about the issues with the Mayo Footballing Psyche Thread

Is Oā€™Connor back? He didnā€™t appear to be involved at the weekend.

I think Horan said heā€™ll ease him back in mid way through league campaign. Achilles injuries are as serious as they come.

Iā€™m holding out irrational hope still that itā€™s an MCL, but it doesnā€™t sound good.

Ffs šŸ¤¦ he was the #differencemaker

These lads should be playing sigerson or county,not both.Fuckin joke shop lads playing this many games.Look at that ape O Connor in Kerry doin the same a fortnight ago.

You donā€™t come back 100% from an achilles injury, he might be done as an effective starter

Not like he relied on pace that much. Different sport but Kevin Durant came back to his best from it

Galway have 6 or 7 lads playing Sigerson this week who played Meath on Sunday and now have to head up to Down to play them on Saturday evening. 3 games in 6 days. On heavy winter pitches. Crazy stuff.


Player welfare my hole

Its rare to have an outcome like that, see Kobe Bryant. I doubt COC is on gear like the NBA lads

Pitches arenā€™t heavy at the moment

I can assure you Pearse Stadium was on Sunday anyway and Dangan was last night in a deluge. Maybe they will get away with it up in Newry.

A game midweek and one at the weekend is hardly too much of an issue. I wonder are they expected to partake in intense intercounty training as well though during the week?


Sunday and Tuesday is a tough gig for a football player never mind a GAA player.


Yeah most players would rather play a midweek Sigerson/Fitzgibbon game than travel back twice a week to be flogged in training.

Its unfortunate but injuries are part and parcel of the game.

Cruciates can go at any stage really.

Cruciates can go training or playing games. They happen

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Or skateboarding at weddings.

The cruciate itself is a bad injury but can at least be fixed. Itā€™s the cartilage damage that often comes with a Cruciate is what finishes lads careers.

It wouldnā€™t in height of the season but this should be the time for getting fit and making sure you are physically prepared for the season. Long haul from here to Sept when are they going to get a break from games again to train properly?

Players shouldnā€™t be risking their county careers playing mickey mouse college games in front of 5 men and a dog.

Everything in life is choices.

Itā€™s an easy choice when it gets you a free college education