The waxing lyrical about the issues with the Mayo Footballing Psyche Thread

Pairc Esler is more commonly known as The Marshes. Make what you will of that.


If only James had been in a position to lighten the load for the lad


Ooft. Shots fired at AidoXi

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That opening tells me the article in going to be shite

The reality is that Mayo team overachieved those years as they had an average forward line . Dublin has better on the bench than some Mayo starters


Philly believes in a lot of self aggrandising cod psychology. His book is full of it. His utterances on non-football matters have also tended to be full of shit. His programme about drugs was mildly interesting but most of the stuff he opines on can be taken with a large grain of salt. Ironically Philly’s last outing with Dublin was the exact thing he ludicrously accuses Mayo of - being seen to stand up to the opposition, rather than actually standing up to them.


To be honest at this stage I have heard enough from Philly . He peaked a number of years ago


He’s from the Paul Galvin school of marketing himself as an interesting “character”, but not really being one.


Imagine paying a small fee to listen to or read something attributed to Philly McMahon.


Sounds like Philly didn’t like it up’im

A great exponent of the shirt collar grab and grin.

That’s a lovely pat on the head to the Mayo supporters there.

Great insight from 8 time all Ireland winner Philly McMahon … gas how he never mentions O Shea once but directs the whole article at him …


There’s a real skill involved in being able to write like that

Yeah thats a bit of a weird one. He has a pop off O Shea for shaping and squaring up to him when he was at the exact same and mayo actually won the match :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I think the point is macmahon was on as a sub and o Shea was after been taken off after another poor performance… he still had energy to be able to run back on to go after 8 time all
Ireland winner macmahon…

But that example in particular is ridiculous to bring up as mayo won. Going by Philly’s logic and very similar to the example Philly gave of himself winding up mayo when he was a sub in 2020, O Shea came in and unsettled the dubs and took their mind off the game leading to a mayo win.

I took it more as his point that your leaders set the tone …o Shea would have been seen as a leader of Mayo , plays shite but comes back on to get involved with macmahon who ,like you say,his game was to get at lads …this is in sync with his point throughout that article that Mayo spent more time listening to what others were saying in showing the world they werent afraid of dubs instead of focussing on themselves…

Philly is a fucking dose.


Maybe But he’s a dose with 8 all Ireland medals … nobody in game has more in football i think …so when he talks about what makes good leaders he more than likely knows what he’s talking about …
The second thing is he’s not aiming a lot of his non football talk at the middle class who get so upset …the amount of young people that seem to have gotten value from his book is impressive …

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If he had of tried a leg for his club for the last 10 years I’d have a little bit more respect for him. James Mccarthy was twice the player and 5 times the man. Philly is only interested in philly and is trying to keep himself relevant with this shit