🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

Stay in out of it lads.

glorious here in the capital

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Great day for a match lads


First housefly of the year in here now.

Edit. Correction it’s a wasp!!

I’m full sure there is definitely more flies, bees & wasps about now than last year.
Garden is a hive of activity with birds too.

Isn’t it great to look up at a blue sky without 25 plus Plane trails dotted about the sky.


Got him out.

I’d kill wasps but let bees out


Nature is healing itself while we are locked away

Wasps are pollinators too mate.

Think of all the flys etc that aren’t getting killed by car windshields alone. They’ll have the run of the place

You wont be able to see for insects smushed on the windscreen when we get back out and about.

I’m seeing either the one Robin redbreast the whole time or many different redbreasts in single file.

Beautiful creature

I’ve also taken to feeding crows while I go for my daily exercise. They are quite accustomed to me and are nearly waiting for me at this stage

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A bee flew in the window and I sprayed him with half a can of lynx , there was a moment I ruined his buzz ,but it was like he thanked me and flew back out the window .

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We’ve a kestrel nested nearby; often see him out on patrol looking for field mice. A beautiful creature


There’s no more or no less birds and bees around this year. Lads are just more in tune to them and at home all day to see them.

Went for a long walk by the river the other evening, the river was quiet, but the fields are teeming with hares and foxes.


There’s a rookery in the farm across the road. The crows are deadly. My back yard could be empty, throw a crust of bread out and the crows will have spotted it before it hits the ground.

they’re lethal agile… I take down heels of bread and throw it in the air, they can divert mid flight and piuck it out of the sky. Amazing animals

There must be an amount of foxes, badgers, rabbits etc who’d normally have been minced by a car, going strong. Surely at least a few hundred badgers a week killed on our roads (where’s the Badger Road Safety Authority?) who will live to breed again now in this new world.

Tis unreal out there tonight. My touch has never been as good