🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

Remember the Tom Ryan columns in the Limk Leader?


Last year I remarked on here that the usual graveyard of flies on my car windscreen never really showed until late July into August.

I drove a few km’s today to get some shopping & the windscreen was covered in the cunts.

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Grand sky this lunch time in Mid West eastside Tipperary.

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It’s a beautiful sunny morning here in Limerick city tempered by a chilly breeze. Hopefully it’ll reach 18c later this afternoon and we’ll all be scalded.

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I haven’t seen one yet but the swallows will be along shortly to sort them out. The swallows need to adjust their date clock to allow for global warming.

This sound bastard was eating out of my hand today

Speak of an ass and he’s sure to pass. Just saw my first swallow of the year there now.

I thought this liar had left?

Tis unrale. I’m going to bbq again tonight

What did he post there?


Has he left?


Did something happen. I’ve been napping

Tis gawrjus in tha sunshine cauld in tha shayde

Hi Mate

As you can see I have let the dandelions prosper away and the bees are delighted.
Bit of a stones mowing around them tbh but it has to be done.


The alacrity that crows convene at is down to their highly efficient Whatsapp group.
You’re obviously equipping them with more than crusts. Noisy bastards too…

Funnily enough they must not like lawn seed.
I threw down about 3/4 acre of seed yesterday and hardly a crow to be seen since.

You’ll pick up a crowbanger handy enough there in North Kerry. Hasn’t been used lately I think. Bí cúramach, they’re not to everyone’s liking.


What did I see this evening only one of the crows nail a mouse and fly off with it dangling from it’s beak.