🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

Savage weather here, 27C at 5.30PM. Getting a dose of UV here, the virus nowhere to be seen.

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You’re late getting it down?
You know that you’ll have to keep it watered or it’s a gonner?

Had a grand kip in the garden there in the sun. Slept with me mouth open so the light could get at the virus


Did you catch any flies?

Had no choice, was waiting on a fella to do a clearing job first. There was originally rain given for this weekend. Looks like nothing until Wednesday now. Hopefully it’ll be ok.


Hup out of it

Bit of a change there this morning. There’ll be a few lads glad of the lock in

@TreatyStones is happy anyway.

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Might even light the fire today. I’d been saving up a few films for a day like today

You can fit a walk in about 1pm. I always keep an eye on the weather in kk.

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Pouring rain here.

It rained last night but grand and fresh here in Cork

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Cold with it too


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Grand and warm out now but, as the father says, I wouldn’t “trust it”

He’s right. Big rain tonight and some tomorrow. Good then till Sunday.

The grass will shoot up again

Absolutely fcuking Baltic on the mainland

Pissing out of the heavens right now.