🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

350 a week, podcasts, sports books, great weather. I’m quite enjoying this lockdown.


@Horsebox ain’t going to be happy at this intervention

It rains more at weekends than during week. Something to do with emissions build up


It was roasting on the mainland today.

You’ll be lighting the fire come Sunday Flatty judging by the forecast. Big bollix of an artic front due from the north

Saw that. Snow in the hills. I’ll be glad of it. I’ve half got sunstroke.

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Imagine if our eternal desire for sunshine was the only thing keeping us from our own sunshine :exploding_head:

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

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What if stress levels affect weather. One of the worst winters of all time was 1944.

Lovely day to be queuing outside the local supermarket.

Fucking hell, what I would do for some rain. I can’t fertilize the lawns. Coming into winter and it’s 27 degrees every day.

Bitta thunder rolling through there now.

… and it’s noisy thunder.

Serious thunder going on in Limerick city at the minute. Haven’t seen any flash though

Still splitting the stones here.
24 degrees sunny and humid.

A day for the heavens here in the capital, absolutely gorgeous. Ringsend park is bustling with life, lots of families and young people out living. Great to see.

Still rumbling in North West mid Tipperary.

There was a shower of hail there earlier that near dented the car Id say. Savage thunder and lightening for 2 or 3 hours now

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Its very humid today alright

Let the best cloud win.

We’d it for a few hours.