🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

5 hours of rumbles now. Spot of lightning going now.

Robbed off the buke

Cool today thank God. I’m glad of it.

Jaysus lads there’s some serious heat out there now.


Very muggy in the north east mate.

The sun is out here now mate, it’s baking hot when out in it.

Just back from a walk around the Furry Glen. ‘Tis fierce close out there.

It’s a glorious day here in the south east

I’ve an epic baseline set for the tan today. Just up past the elbow. Lovely line developing and everything

Wind building nicely here

Absolutely lashing down here. Lovely weather for sleeping
CC all the insomniacs with their weird apps over on the sleep deprivation thread. Just listen to the rain sending you off to sleep…



The farmers got their drop of rain last night anyway.

They can shut the fuck up about it now for another few days.

I presume we are nearing restrictions in Dublin

It didn’t rain too much around here. It’s to dry up again after the weekend.

So long as they’ve turned off the automatic urinal flushes in the pubs we should be ok for the foreseeable.

Where is that exactly?

Just did 1500m in a lake near Whaley bridge.
13 degrees I’d say.
Fcuking freezing
Had to get out from the cold.
Very windy and not at all warm.

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Tis gone quare cold lads

Put the shirts on the line there after the last big shower. Dry enough to take in after 30 minutes.

There’s an errand the missus needs in town that absolutely cannot wait until tomorrow. Will I need an umbrella?