It’ll save lives.
@treatystones when will it rain on the North Wexford Riviera and will I need a boat for my run tomorrow?
Lovely bit of rain here now in “Downtown Patrickswell” as Marty would say.
Lisheen Park?
Kicking off here now bigtime in West Waterford. Monsoon rain, rattles of thunder and the sky lighting up. Tremendous.
The second coming of Davy is upon ye
Sheet or Fork lighting?
A serious roll of thunder in the city just now. A 5 minute thunderstorm but eased off fairly quick should put a drop of water in the resevoirs hopefully and cool the place down
Still 26 degrees in didsbury. The sweat is rolling off me. Weather not breaking til Tuesday. Can’t come soon enough.
Serious lightning out here in mid mid west Limerick
Twas roasting here again today. Awful muggy.
I’m absolutely sick of it now.
I’m getting Aircon in the lounge and bedroom this winter.
Ah, tis generally sheet down here. Last time I remember fork was in the big 80’s storm. We spent hours driving around because lightning wouldn’t hit a car with rubber tyre’s. So my parents told me anyway.
Will there be over night thunder/ rain @TreatyStones ? Mild enough this evening after ‘warnings’ today
I had to go for a few pints to settle my nerves.
Yes there’s potential for thunder storms through the night.
An awful scuttery attempt at rain and thunder over here. Ive let off louder farts