🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

You’re in for a right roasting towards Thursday

Fierce heat today. Went out around 3 for a hill jog. Even brought a soft flask of water with me, but I think the dehydration caught up with me judging by a few splatterings of the jacks this evening

We always have a breeze here, but it was a fierce warm breeze today

Tis very muggy.

Tis very clammy

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Came back from the jog this morning in a ball of sweat. Fierce close out there

32 here in the capital. Absolutely glorious

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No sign of the sun breaking out here in Limerick at all.

Is there a nice breeze? Not a breath of air here

Lovely breeze in it. Sitting out the back here naked

You can reward yourself in this weather when you are an early riser

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35 minutes in this heat is enough to top up the vitamin D. U Levels are off the charts

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A grand bit of time to meditate too. A few lads here could take a step back and focus on their wellness

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Record temps being set all over Europe this week … Might reach 40 in parts of England on Thursday

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People dropping dead all over Europe

Around 151,000 people died today mate

They were having to hose down cables today on the outside broadcast units on the tour de france, they were melting

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With global warming set to see most of Europe burn during the summer months we really need to start selling our cool wet summers… Get the rich in from around Europe while the peasantry sizzle

Climate change is a hoax.

we should be going after all the pretend athletes all over Europe and selling them cool weather training camps … We need to be aggressive here and take advantage of the planet dying.