šŸŒ¬ The Weather Thread part 2

There was a serious downpour of rain around 4am in mid mid West Limerick.

Of courae you will. The green loon fundamentalists will follow the ā€˜scienceā€™ even if common sense tells you otherwise.

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What utter bollocks. Irish farmers have fuck all to do with it. Have a look at emissions across the world and see that what any of us do is utterly negligible.

The new bottle cap initiative will surely turn thw corner of the weather.

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No fear of any dust kicking up in Limerick today. Lashing the last hour

Thereā€™s a match tonight in Sligo and then Galway Armagh at lunchtime tomorrow. If the pitch is heavy itā€™ll be worse

Itā€™s supposed to ease off this afternoon :crossed_fingers:t2:

BBC weather stated it was the coolest June on record so far this yearā€¦ā€¦

Been a lot colder in Manc than here anyway

Follow the science

Absolutely lashing down in Mid West Tipperary.

Just awful stuff.

Never in my forty years on this planet have I experience a summer as cold as this one, wtf is going on!

May and June have been positively Baltic, it feels more like October than summer. Even in previous summers when itā€™s been very wet, thereā€™s been an underlying warmth/humidity. Itā€™s just not present this year. Even when the sun does come out, it doesnā€™t feel particularly warm.

Iā€™d love to know whatā€™s causing itā€¦ā€¦

Methane and carbon

Weird you cant remember last summer though

Its a sure sign you need to be taxed more and have bottle caps tethered to bottlesā€¦thatā€™ll turn the corner on climate changeā€¦

May was good by all accountsā€¦


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength

This weather reminds me of the summer I spent in Newfoundland. cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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ā€¦ and rain is wet.

If cold is good, then yes it was.

Those two are supposed to heat things up, not cool things down.

Last summer was wet from end of June onwards but not particularly cold. In fact May was quite warm.
