🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

yep, as a whole they heat up but oireland will get wetter stormier weather

Saw that, and to be honest I’m still scratching my head. It certainly feels a lot colder than it is, last month was no different. Apart from the first week in May, growth has been poor.

We will have a heatwave next week and no warning yet from the forum’s foremost forecasters.

I’m on a warm weather training camp to acclimatise

Did you take the u12 squad?

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It’s like a morning in mid-March today

Lots of pissed up lads in Green?

Will it be scorchio?

Lovely morning here on the peninsula. Bit of heat in it. Took the dogs for a walk and there were people swimming down the Burrow Beach.

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It’s warm in the city centre.

Tis fair warm out today.

Took the dogs out for a walk there. 1st of July and it’s perishing.

It’s still June mate

By God you’re right.

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8 degrees in the peaks at 11 this morning :grimacing:

Are you in the The Pins or The Peaks?

Peaks this weekend.
My pal will be back on the sod on chewsday
The pins is mostly for tourists.
Borna’s very own temple bar.

Hotest June on record.

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The only answer to this is more tax and tethering bottletops.

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What’s Borna?