🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

I’m going pleasure boating later this week safe In the knowledge I won’t have to draw the opprobrium of tfk by having to call out the RNLI.

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I hear the coast of sligo is perfect for this

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Not too much clarity this morning but certainly increased risk of Lorenzo coming close to Ireland bringing some impacts. Still high degree uncertainty where it will turn right and how fast it will decay once it moves way from the left exit of the jet-streak.

Still all to play for at this point but must be stressed very minimal risk of a red level event.

Also important to stress Lorenzo will be well ex-tropical when it hits the vicinity of Ireland and is infact only a possible danger due to typical cold cyclongenesis

But still risk of Orange cat winds in parts.

Back off mate, @TreatyStones has this.


So it’ll be wet and windy on Thursday night.

The situation is fluid mate

Yep just like Weds night and Friday night, it’s seasonal change or global warming as some would like to call it. These weather warnings are a cod lapped up by the snowflakes, the wankers going around with leather bags I mean not the feathery ice crystal typically displaying delicate sixfold symmetry.

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George Lee on the news here telling us Met.ie are awaiting the yanks to tell us what our weather will be like on Thursday…makes sense I suppose

He said it, I fucking knew he’d say it. A blustery day on Thursday is due to climate change :roll_eyes:

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The models are having a very difficult time in determining what way this is going to track.
The latest run has now brought it much closer and possibly making it’s turn across Ireland much earlier (approx Thursday afternoon/evening). This could potentially mean an elevation to red warning on the western seaboard. Stay tuned for further updates.


Did anyone see Evylen Cusack on the six one news yesterday evening, the chief RTE meteorologist, interviewed in studio by Ray Kennedy. She was very patronising all through trying to dumb down what’s happening for the apes at home who wouldn’t be able to wrap their minds around strong blustery winds blowing in from the Atlantic. Ray asked her at one stage would there be sea swells which in turn would affect maritime traffic for a few days and she was dazzled by the ingenuity of the question and complimented Ray twice on what a good question it was he’d asked.


I know what was going through your mind through out it your dirty dog…


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It’s on WhatsApp so it must be true :man_shrugging:

Be good surfing in Sligo on Thursday

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Sounds bollix to me but if true, I will expect @TreatyStones resignation on Friday morning.

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Must locate an ark😲

The use of ‘there’ instead ‘their’ gave the game away


There might be something in that. George Lee today took on the mantle of covering this storm for RTE which is an indication to me that they are taking it more seriously than before when Evelyn Cusask was on ladybirding it to viewers. He was on some radio show too, not sure what channel it was because i was in a shop, but he was bigging it up on the radio too.

Batten not batton is another giveaway. It’s been a grim day for followers of the written word.