🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

And on the mainland

Grand fresh evening now.

Aye it’s gone cool

Grand night to be having a cup of tea beside the fire, browsing TFK/ the dark net and wearing a face mask.

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you can’t bate the oul fossil fuels for good healthy heat

Isn’t is grand.

Throw on the cloak and make a right night of it


Have you tried my bitcoin scam yet?

Turned into a right cunt of a day here

Mother if Jesus, the weekend will be a wash out

It’s nasty out there this morning, I’ll need the oilskins

Unreal rain in Dublin yesterday, the worst of the year. Isolated flooding around the city. How bad was the West coast?

Portumna Parkrun had to be cancelled yesterday, it wZ that wet the course was unsafe. Very wet underfoot here in Meath today…

Is it ever going to stop raining?

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Come back greta all is forgiven

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There’s gonna be some savage flooding this winter.

I was tipping down the M50 the other day and you literally had waves of water were coming over the central divider from vehicles on the other side. Driving in these conditions is a pain in the hole.

I suppose at least I’m not cycling.

Snow lodging at present in the West Kildare/East Laois region

It’s absolutely bitter here tonight.

Looks like there was heavy snow in Portarlington :astonished:

bastard of a night… I’m out walking Brady for the last while and it’s been rain and sleet.