🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

Next week looks rotten. Wind all week.

Tbf it’s nearly time we had some wintry weather. Winter is nearly over.

It doesn’t rain, but it pours @Fitzy.

253ml’s to be precise since 10am yesterday according to my rain gauge.
I’m not complaining. Went for a lovely walk with Harley the Wonderdog this afternoon, he was beside himself. I thoroughly enjoyed walking in the rain.

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Its spring since last Monday. Time to washout the cobwebs

MT Cranium?

They have their own version on FB also, IWO.

Yes MT. He is outstanding.

Yes good track record all right.

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A complete an utter spoofer, does a Dunbeliveables style forecast every day and the snowflakes lap it up as if he has some sort of divine connection to the weather gods.

I’ve found him to be on an even keel anytime I look it up which is generally only in the onset of an extreme event.
Met Eireann are bound by public scrutiny and the resulting paranoia usually presents itself in an over cautious forecast and then the majority of other media outlets have a default template along the lines of “worst (insert weather event) to hit Ireland in 80 years”.

Will keep note of any future forecasts that reference favourable conditions for the black beetle!

It’s very windy


10 point wind

@Faldo, it’s definitely a 2 club wind

Without a doubt

‘‘Twas bad there when I was coming down the M11


Nationwide Orange warning issued for Sunday


Tis very calm around here st the moment

What are the chances of Dublin holyhead crossing cancellation Sunday at 8pm

Pretty high I’d say.
Holyhead to get savage winds on Sunday morning and strong winds for the rest of the day.

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Who needs Met Éireann?:+1:

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